LENINIST PARTY IS COMMUNIST PARTY -Shah Alam A book,published by the ICWF, @ icwfreedom.org . ( Continuation from yesterday ) [ 29 ] Water, mineral resource etc are the natural resource thus all these are one of the 2 elements of commodity. But, if there is no commodity there is no private or state ownership. So, natural resources including water are useable things for all by common ownership of all. Therefore, a communist party is a party to work to abolish the private and state ownership of means of production by common, thereby, natural resources will be free from the private and state ownership. But, Leninist parties are not working for the same end. Rather, Leninist parties are working to protect the so-called national interest by the private and state ownership of the natural resources including water, oil etc. Even, they are supporting and depending the UN resolutions and laws for the water sharing too. No doubt, the UN is not an organization for the interest of the working class rather, it was founded by the winners of the 2nd world war to serve and protect the capitalist interest globally. Therefore, Leninist parities are working for the capitalist interest. Thus, Leninist parties are working against working class interest and thereby against the communist revolution. So, no Leninist party is communist party. ( Will continue)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:57:20 +0000

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