LENT, LAMENT, RELEASE! Time to prepare for a season - TopicsExpress


LENT, LAMENT, RELEASE! Time to prepare for a season approaching. Ash Wednesday and the start of Holy Lent. The dawning of the end and the start of all things new. It was two years ago this season I started a process that almost took me out - my divorce. I remember making an announcement very simply put That after several attempts to move forward after the loss of our three daughters my husband and I are ending our marriage. I asked each of you to pray for us and our process of recovery and the transition that our Little people would undergo. Well two Lents have come, gone, and come again bringing with it lifes progressive movement towards healing and redemption. Last year my focus in Lent was forgiveness and release. More specific releasing persons, places, and things in my life that kept me bond to the pain, past, and old images of who I was and not what I was becoming. That was an intense season and the sacrifice was great! The lamenting was fierce and a perpetual ongoing process during those 40days. To be honest the lamentation lasted longer than Lent. It went on for another 50 days passed resurrection Sunday into another Holy day called Pentecost which means 50. That extra time allowed for breakthrough to emerged AMAZING GRACE. OH not that cheap generic knock off version that we get for free and its absolutely Priceless and then try to sell to others at an extreme mark-up rate. You know what Im referring too as Cheap Grace. That Grace we want to have extend to us but not something we are thrilled to have flow to others around us who we believe dont deserve it. You know that Grace we are comfortable for it to flow to our loved ones, friends, good people and those sorts. However, Amazing Grace flowing to Those People? You know the ones. The one that hurt us, rejected us, abused and used us, denied us, refused to acknowledge or extend love to. Those people who betrayed us in our vulnerabilities while recovering from the black eyes of lives. Grace is completely amazing we say but not That Amazing to flow towards our opponents or perceived enemy. What about that Amazing Grace flowing toward those whose sin nature is different than ours? Can that Amazing Grace and Redemption be applied toward them? Well, the answer is YES, my friends! When I had a true break through to AMAZING GRACE I could extend to virtually anyone because it overflowed so abundantly through me and in my life. I didnt think I would see the fruit of that season emerge with spouts, roots, and fully mature fruit for some years but a year later I have. During that season I learned a powerful term in Agricultural called Yield. Yield is defined in its first definition to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation. The other subsequent definitions for Yield speak to surrender, resign, give up to a higher authority, and to gave way to something greater. Amazingly, Grace caused me to allow myself to go through the process of Lamenting and the process of lamenting gave way to the stages of grief( Look up the stages to gain better insight) and that process ended in Yield. The funny thing is when I got to this last process I literally fought it. Why? Because..... (Fill in the Blanks with all the self righteous bull we come up with to fight laying down our rights). It was difficult to do but I finally Yielded. Surprising that moment of complete yield felt like a huge weight lifted off my heart and mind. I completed yielded all my STUFF not over to a person, attorney, therapist, family, or Private Storage unit called Yield. But I yielded it over to the Creator. You know The CREATOR. The one who this Lent season is really all about. Its about us having a the right to run things our way but yielding that right to over for a greater cultivation. Today, I have a progressively better relationship with my ex-husband. We partner for our childrens sake. Both of us have to yield in many ways for the cultivation of some amazing Little People. I am a better Mom today than before because of yielding my way to something bigger and greater than myself and own desires. I wouldnt have image us being where we are today but we are here. Its not perfect but its progress and I expect it to be a continual progressive flow of growth and reset. I ask for you to think about what you want to yield this season of Lent to be cultivated in another season. Whatever that thing is completely give it over and watch the process of cultivation begin. Before Resurrection can occur there must be a death. Let the old die and the resurrection of a new yield begin. Roschelle D. Ogbuji CEO, AR INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS, INC BLOGGER and PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 22:12:16 +0000

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