LESSON 2 How important is it to call on the name of LORD JESUS - TopicsExpress


LESSON 2 How important is it to call on the name of LORD JESUS CHRIST for help, Salvation, and deliverance. The Name of the LORD The divine name Yahweh is usually translated “LORD” in English version of the Bible, because it became a practice in late Old Testament Judaism not to pronounce the sacred name YHWH, but to say instead “my Lord” (“Adonai”-“in Hebrew language”) a practice still use today in the Synagogues. The Jewish respect for the name of God that the word was never given a vowel pointing to, and therefore never pronounced. When this divine name is encountered in the biblical text, a substitute term is read, most commonly Adonai, meaning “Lord” or “master” As far as English translations is concerned, and the name YHWH was conventionally rendered “Jehovah” or, more recently, “Yahweh” which represent an educated guess as to what the name may have sounded like. In modern translations of the scriptures, however, this name is rendered “LORD”—most often standing alone, but in combination with other terms. The name Yahweh, or Lord, occurs over 6,500 times in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament the name of GOD was sacred, mighty, powerful and very holy, the Jewish Priest of the Old Testament knew the Name of GOD, the Scribes, the ancient Israelites and Hebrew writers of the Law of GOD. These Priest had such a repeat and fear for the Name Of GOD, that they were very careful to write it down or to speak his name loosely and that they did not want anyone to speak the name of the LORD carelessly so what the Old Testament writers of God’s Word and Law did was replace the name of GOD with the word “LORD” instead, not giving anyone the opportunity to mispronounce or miss speak the name of GOD wrong with any miss sayings in vain or swearing. The Old Testament writers of God’s Word did not want to be held accountable by the speaking of God’s name by anyone in a manner that it was not intended for, for that reason and also that they had such a great fear and respect for the name of God that they place certain measures to keep it holy and secretly observed in worship. In the Old Testament the name of the LORD or the name of GOD was separated by two distinct names. There is God’s personal name which is singular. God’s personal name expresses who he is, and the personality of God. . There is God’s title name’s which is plural expressing what God dose. God’s plural name demonstrates the character of God. These are the titles in which God operates in. God’s personal name is who he is, look at it this way if you went to the post office and ask the people behind the counter to please give you all your father’s mail, they would ask you what is your father’s name? and if you went back to the post office and ask the people to give you all of your son’s mail they would ask you what is your son name, because father, and son is not a name but titles, so God almighty has titles and positional names and a personal name. Traditionally speaking when a women gets married to a man she takes on the name of the man of whom she marring. If the man is a fireman she don’t take on the name fireman or if the man is a school teacher she don’t take on the name school teacher, but she take on the man last name which is his personal name. Let us go to the Old and New Testament scriptures to understand the names of God so that we will understand why man called on the name of the LORD. The most significant feature of the name YHWH is its distinctiveness is the uniquely revealed name of Israel’s covenant GOD. Exod 3:14. Records the occasion on which God declared himself to Moses, identifying himself as the great “I AM,” Who rose up Moses for the purpose of delivering his people from Egyptian slavery. The designation “I am who I am” bear a relationship to the archaic form of the verb “to be, become, happen.” And therefore this name of God the “Lord,” signifies God’s ever-present, all-pervading power and majesty as the God who rescues his chosen people from captivity and entered into solemn covenant relationship with them at Mt. Sinai during their period of wilderness wandering from Egypt to Canaan. And so this name for God, since it represents a bond of solemn intimacy between Israel and her Maker, is a uniquely distinctive divine name in the scriptures. The name YHWH actually occurs about 180 times throughout the book of Genesis, prior to Exod. 3:14. Exod. 6:3 informs the reader that God has appeared to Abraham and his descendents by the name “God Almighty” (‘el shadday,’) but had not made himself known to them as “Lord.”=YHWH. The uniqueness of God’ revelation to Moses lay not in the mere knowledge or articulation of the name YHWH, but rather in the divinely given insight that YHWH is the ever-present, all-powerful God, the redeemer of his people, and the one who keeps his solemn promises pledged under the oath of the covenant. Such a revelation had not been imparted to the patriarchal predecessor of Moses—they had only had the promise. The names that follow are significant names for God that reflect particular aspects or characteristics of his person, of HIM. EL: Meaning The Strong One: Pronounced el Occurs more than 200 times in the Old Testament (including compounds) Semitic name for GOD. Compound proper names such as Isra-el, = (wrestles with God & A Prince with God), Beth-el = (House of God) and El-isha = (God is salvation) Exodus 15:2; Numbers 23:22; Deuteronomy 7:9 (Mark 15:34) EL ELOHE YISRAEL: Meaning God, The God of Israel: Pronounced: el el-o-HAY yis-raw-ALE. The name of the altar that Jacob (Israel) erected after his encounter with God and God blessing upon him. (Genesis 32:24-30; Genesis 33:19,20) Exodus 5:1; Psalm 68:8; Psalm 106:48. EL ELYON: Meaning The God Most High: pronounced: el EL-yuhn Melchizedek, the king of Salem (Jeru “Salem”) and the priest of God most high, referred to God as “EL Elyon” three times when he blessed Abram. Genesis 14:17-22; Psalm 78:35; Daniel 4:34 (Acts 16:17)
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 01:43:49 +0000

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