LESSON FOR CAREER ACOLYTES, aka, SYCOPHANTS ................................... In the days of orchestrated confusion when former President YarAdua was (at the very least) no longer capable of managing the ship of the Nigerian state, most of those who should speak for justice to be done refused to do so. There were folks who wanted the former President to continue ruling even from an ICU van where he laid in coma. Some were busy whisking a document called Supplementary Budget to him for signing. A man David Edevbie was in this mix. There were so-called men of God who were invited to the Villa to pray for the president. One of them was to proclaim after the visit that he heard AMEN when they had finished praying but could not say whether the AMEN came from the late president or someone else. many people were in many forms of manipulations. ,,,,,,,,,, BUT ONE VOICE RANG OUT LOUD AND HIGH AGAINST THE DECEIT THAT WAS GOING ON! .......... That was the now late Prof Dora Nkem Akunyili. She screamed! She shouted and against the disposition of those benefiting from the interregnum, she spoke for justice. .......... And one man benefited from her boldness. The current President Goodluck Jonathan. And you know what? Dora was one of the first to be shown the way out of his government and worked to ensure she did not win an election in her Anambra State! .......... STAND FOR THE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES. SPEAK YOUR HEART. THE WORLD MAY SOON FORGET ALL THE GOOD YOU DID.... BUT GOD WILL NOT. ......... RIP DORA
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 08:43:32 +0000

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