...LESSON NO 3, JESUS CONFIRMS THE QURAN??......... I - TopicsExpress


...LESSON NO 3, JESUS CONFIRMS THE QURAN??......... I understand that with this post most Muslim will shout Allahhuakbar while Christians will find it harder to deny the truth found in the Quran, it is not my wish to complicate matters for the Christians but to share the truth which until now no one in any religious forum in or outside facebook has ever heard of or understand, Im here for the truth and I seek nothing lesser than that. The Quran claimed that Allah lifted up Jesus and therefore Jesus did not die nor was he crucified in Surah 5:157 whereas in the bible we have Jesus confirming that he will not die when he announced that: ◄ John 11:25 ►Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. AND ESPECIALLY THIS : Luke 23:43 Yeshua said to him, Assuredly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise. 1) Both biblical verses above proves that Jesus DID NOT DIE as according to the Quran because how can Jesus who is the LIFE and resurrection dies? 2) If Jesus dies then he is certainly not the LIFE as he himself claims. 3) Since Jesus promised the thief next to him that he will be with him in paradise it is another CONFIRMATION from Jesus own mouths that he WILL NOT DIE and another confirmation of the truthfulness of the Quran. 4) How can Jesus be in paradise as he promised the thief if he were to die? Only those with the holy spirit understand these truth and can refute this post and please do not comment if you cannot refute this post SCRIPTURALLY as I will not entertain personal opinion or speculative assumptions!!!!...With the above FACTS it is obvious that Jesus confirms the authenticity of Surah 4:157 and therefore in EFFECT vindicate Muhammad and his Q
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 06:54:21 +0000

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