LESSON OF THE DAY: LISTEN AGGRESSIVELY & OBSERVE AGGRESSIVELY. [Part 1] “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, sadly, they just listen with the intent to reply.” The ability to listen, like really hear what someone is saying, has far greater implications, of course, than simply gaining insight into people/situations. In business, at work, at school and life in general, one of the greatest assets you can have is the ability to listen aggressively. The bottom line is that any situation will be handled differently, and with different results, by someone who is listening and someone who isn’t. I once conducted a mock exam to a group I was addressing and most people failed, because they did not fully pay attention to the only instruction, which was stated; DON’T change your answer for number one. There were only 2 questions. Que. 01 What is your favorite dish/meal. (40 marks) Just keep in mind your answer. Que. 02 Explain fully how you can prepare it. (60 marks) Ehe, by this time, most people were now thinking of canceling their answers to question one. because many wrote, Pizza, lasagna, sushi etc and the don’t know how their own favourite food/dishes are made/prepared. I wanted to teach them that It is the same in life, here are some lessons to learn from; 1. LISTEN AGGRESSIVELY TO INSTRUCTIONS AND YOU WILL NEVER MISS IT IN LIFE. 2. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING THEN YOU HAVE TO OBSERVE HOW IT’S MAKE/ HOW TO GET IT. 3 BEFORE YOU TAKE A STEP, GET TO KNOW WHERE IT IS LEADING YOU TO. Do you know that you now know how to pronounce words because you chose to listen aggressively? Do you know that you now know how to make coffee because you chose to observe aggressively? Aggressive observation means going after the big picture, taking all these conscious and unconscious signals, weighing them, and converting them into usable perceptions. Let’s take Jesus for example, if you can check, not many words are recorded about his speeches, but there are so many things he did and need our aggressive observation. Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth…” you know the rest, don’t speed-read the bible, take time to aggressively listen and observe what is in it. Listen, a man whose eyes are open to detail is a diligent man, because the foundation of diligence is observation to detail. To see what others do not see, to hear what is inside a sentence that was not made. A true leader will hear differently from the rest, because he is not just hearing for himself, but for his whole congregation/ company/class/children. Paying attention to details is very important; whether in listening or even observing. This principle I am teaching you today will help you in your relationships, businesses, if you are a student, you will have improve in your studies, if you are a pastor/cell leader/ manager/parent, let this become your asset. it will help you in helping those under you. ALL THE BEST. ~By Charles Lipenga~
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:13:08 +0000

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