LESSON SUMMARY-PRAYER, HEALING & RESTORATION. Memory text-James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. Lets recognise the importance of prayer and confession in the quest for devine healing and forgiveness. We need to believe & trust that God can restore and heal, He is the Great Physician. There is nothing that God cannot heal, transform, undo, bind up or restore. SUNDAY- THE ESSENTIAL CHRISTIAN TOOLKIT. We need to pray when suffering and praise when we a cheerful. Testing of Faith produces endurance. As Christians we instinctively turn to God when troubles comes but when things are going well for us we tend to forget to praise the Lord, Brethren we need to keep ourselves to God in both happiness and sufferings. Prayer is especially essential in facing difficulties but singing or playing music is also helpful. MONDAY-PRAYER FOR THE SICK. To those who desire prayer for their restoration to health, it should be made plain that the violation of Gods law, either natural or spiritual is sin and that in order for them to receive His blessing sin must be confessed and forsaken. Prayers for healing are always answered affirmatively, it is simply a matter of timing as to when. The decision of timing belongs to God alone as to what will bind us closest to Him and will bring the most glory to His name. Living with ailment sometimes its Gods will for certain individuals so that they may best serve Him and bless others. TUESDAY-HEALING THE SOUL. More important than the healing of the body is the healing of the soul so that all will have eternal life found in Jesus. Sin is the root cause of all our problems including illness thats why talking about healing the soul. Faith in Jesus brings healing from spiritual weakness and sin. Jesus used the healing miracles to show the people the need of salvation in their lives. While Gods healers today shld employ all available medical means to cure the diseases efforts shld be made also to heal the whole person, not just for this life but in view of eternity. Healing includes the healing of relationships that why we need to confess our sins to those whom we have wronged or offended. The blessing of the Lord will rest upon us because of confession since it involves dying to ourselves and only through that death to ourselves can Christ be formed within us. WEDNESDAY-MODELS OF PRAYER. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much, Elijah had his prayers heard by God therefore should encourage us that our prayers will be heard too. As a church we are seeking revival and reformation but it must begin in our own lives, our own selves, on a personal and daily basis on choices we make that determines the destiny of our lives. THURSDAY-RESTORATION AND FORGIVENESS. Gods spirit worked through Elijah to restore the relationship between Israel and Himself. He carried it forward to all the people multiplying his works of revival and reform. Jesus said that he come to lead people out of error and back to the truth which is restoration of holiness unto us. James is appealing to us to do the work similar to that of Elijah in leading people back to God and this work requires much patience, sympathy, tenderness and humility. We need forgiveness more as modelled by Jesus and provided by His death. Saving souls from death is possible only through the covering of sins by applying the Gospel to our lives and becoming instruments of mercy. Brethren we need to pray all the time for us to be healed and restored to Godly lives of pureness. God cares despite what you can be going through either marriage break-ups, illness, stress, financial difficulties, rejection etc and He is going to restore all the happiness just have Faith. Have a blessed preparation for sabbath brethrens
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 08:31:41 +0000

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