LESSONS FROM THE NATIONAL ANTS IN MY ROOM! I was so lazy to pick a - TopicsExpress


LESSONS FROM THE NATIONAL ANTS IN MY ROOM! I was so lazy to pick a reasonable size of bread that fell down from my hand when I was taking my tea before the break of dawn in preparation for fast. Such laziness can only be compared to what the Nigerian citizens are known for. The next evening, when I came back from office, I noticed a smaller size of the bread against the size that fell down. I wondered, I took a closer look, I notice some activity around, on a close shot, I saw Federal Executives ants right at the topmost part of the bread, the next set of ants were the Legislatives, because they were those at the floor of the room. I laughed, because I also noticed some absentees there, wondering why will such a feast on National piece of bread without the Judiciary! Suddenly, I realized that my suite was being dragged on the floor, I saw some bigheaded ants in action. I pitied myself, knowing fully well that the Judicary were not only interested in my suite but they were dragging me to court unnecessarily just to distract me from calling my wife to sweep my room. My curiosity was heightened, in an attempt to move closer, the soldier ants were all over my legs. I knew I was in for it, the security chiefs were also playing their roles respectively. It was the very moment began to think that my room was right in a house somewhere in Abuja, Federal Capital meaning I have crossed my boundaries and standing right inside their Territory. I told myself that it was a failed battle for me, I felt the best I can do is to learn from the Nigerian masses, pray, pray and pray! Even before I could open my mouth for prayer, my son ran into the room holding a cup of water, I screamed at him not to step on the piece of bread, he got startled and dropped the cup on the floor, eventually, the piece of bread, all the strata of authorities on it and those giving them protection were floating as a result of the artificial flood. My wife mobilized broom, mop and insecticide. I stood tall in the room dealing accomplished! Will attempt for a sincere prayers from the citizens help sweep away the bad system, but I am convinced that a sincere action from the youths will result to dropping a cup of water that will flush the bad system and the support from our wives will help mop all the mess that will give way for new beginning! ALL THESE CAN ONLY HAPPEN WHEN WE ACT APPROPRIATELY!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 05:40:00 +0000

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