LESSONS LEARNT ABOUT FAITH FROM FOOTBALL...!!! People keep asking me: Y do u love football so much ?...well football has it all, intrigues, suspense, surprises, emotion, pressure, passion, hardwork, discipline, good, bad, ugly, faith, dedication, commitment etc...it teaches everything about life only if we will care to learn...if only we will watch it with an open mind, we will learn not only about football but life itself...!!! Yesterdays match between BRAZIL and GERMANY taught me a serious lesson about my Faith; the Christian Faith that is... Many of you must be wondering at this point what I learnt about the Christian Faith in a match...and some may think I must have learnt from the Germans about discipline, dedication, togetherness, cohession, sacrifice, victory, commitment, desire to succeed etc...true these characteristics and attributes are things a gud Christian must possess...they should be the attitude of a Christian...and I thank the Germans for that...!!! However, my lesson was learnt from the losing side, the Brazilians...I was so shocked and surprised at what the Brazilians did and I thank God for that because it was a perfect example for the Christians...!!! The Brazilians woefully lost the match, their first defeat at home for so long and in their own Cup that they were doomed to win...lost to the Germans in a very bad way: 7:1....but it was what they did after the final whitsle that shocked me to my bones...!!! The Bible tells us to be thankful to God in all things, in all circumstances be it good or bad we should be thankful...however, we dont follow this instruction...the problem with Christians of this our generation is that, we always want things to go our own way...true losing is bad and nobody wants to lose...but somethings we have to lose in order to win...we have to fail in order to succeed...sometimes, God allows us to lose in order for us to win...He allows us to fail in order to succeed...but our attitude in failing, falling, losing etc will determind whether we win, succeed or raise...!!! When something is not going the way we want it to, we hardly give thanks but instead, say the most popular prayer, phrase or question in the Christain faith in this generation that every Christian knows and have memorised even more than John 3:16: why me, God why me ? (But I always wonder, if not you then who ?)... We have failed to learn to give thanks to God no matter what...well the Brazilians taught me that yesterday and for that I say they are the real winners...it was really surprising to see what happened after the final whitsle...Luiz, Gustavo etc sanked to their knees and prayed...when I saw it, I was like; Damn, I wish I could do that as well... I know I am also guilty of questioning God when things go wrong instead of giving Him thanks and believing in His perfect will...but it was great to see these Brazilians demonstrating their believe in God and accepting His perfect will...!!! It taught me, that even in defeat, I can decide to be a loser or a winner...for the Brazilians they chose the latter...they were real winners...!!! I pray that God will give us the grace to be thankful to Him in all circumstances, to recognise that everything happens for a reason and for our own good and trust in His perfect will and plan...do have a wonderful day friends, God bless us all...Takia
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 08:25:37 +0000

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