LET AMERICAS TRUE HISTORY BE KNOWN ON THIS INDEPENDENCE DAY NOT WHAT SOME WOULD MAKE YOU BELIEVE Its a shame there are so few True Americans who stand with their hands ready to help in times of need, to bad there are far to many with their hands out to get all the freebees they can get never lending a hand to those in times of disaster. Its time to rethink who really deserves welfare for doing nothing but want more. Today is not 200 years ago & I owe you nothing for what your long dead kin went through. Just remember that the Irish, the Chinese & the Red man suffered far more than any slave & whose numbers were 5 times as many. America was built on the backs of those who have been forgotten. On this day let us remember the truth who truly built America, not those who are now taking it down. When Americas Veterans of all colors have to die in the street waiting for what they were promised, while others that have done nothing for this country but scream racism because their long dead ancestors were simply slaves, are rewarded with free housing, free food, free utilities, free phones, free transportation, free medical & still want more bring America to its knees & costing those that sacrificed their blood to make & keep America free do without it is truly time for change. The change that our forefathers sought so many years ago. An America where your skills were rewarded with better wages not because a Union demanded more on the threat of strikes, but rewards based on merit. What has become of the America that my Grandfather fought for, the America my Father fought for, & the America that I fought for, an America that when you did a good days work you earned your pay, not the America of today when by simply screaming racism & making illegitimate children just so the money keeps coming in is not the America those that worked so hard to build a strong America intended it to become. Yes America needs change, the kind of change that brings our Manufacturing back, the change that rewards you for working not for having a hand out, the changes that made America what it was, not what it has become. Yes it is time to change, a change where Veterans are the first in line for handouts, where there is no minimum wage, where you get paid what an owner can afford not what the government forces you to pay, where you earn what you make, not just handed to you for doing nothing but make babies you cant afford to have in the first place. A change where there are no more Unions destroying ever manufacturing facility & sending them to the Chinese the very people that were in my gun sights in Vietnam. It was not corporate greed it was Unions that sent our jobs overseas. & it is the Union that is are the root of the Veterans Administration that is killing our Veterans. Jobs are made & then the Union comes in & makes demands, never in history has a Union ever created a job only destroyed them. Call me a racist if you want I could really give a flying #### because if you cant handle the truth tuff shit. Yes its time for a change, time for those who call themselves Americans not some BS sudo Af###n-American crap but an American. I am an American of English decent not an English-American because I am proud to have been born here but I sure as hell am not proud of what America has become thanks to Liberal Democrats, Unions & the real racists in America minorities & the likes of the Jesse Jacksons & Al Sharptons that only care about the money & publicity not about what Martin Luther King dreamed of an America where all people were equal. If King were alive he would be ashamed to be black in todays America. So have a happy Independence Day & try to remember the truth about what America has become, not the crap taught in our Union controlled schools but the real truth of Americas History.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 09:36:19 +0000

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