LET EVERYONE BEAR FRUITS OF RIGHTOUSNESS First Bible Lesson: Romans 8:30 “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” Second Bible Lesson: Romans 6:22 “But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.” Golden Text: Hebrews 12:28 “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and with fear.” This Gospel marks the commencement of the New World Missionary Fellowship Week. Listen attentively so that you may not continue everyday to confess everyday that you have committed sin. Because if you persist in sin, it will be useless calling yourself a missionary. Just as Paul said when he asked Peter, “If you preach to the uncircumcised that they should refrain from idols, blood and things strangled, why then do you eat what has been sacrificed to idols? (Galatians 2:11-14) Now if the church denominations would do what is good, I do not think that there would be any need for Christ to come. For it is said that when the Priesthood is changed, the law is also changed. But the Priesthood of Christ is forever. We should therefore follow his footsteps and practice his teachings. It is in doing this that we shall know that God has never made any mistakes. Many people used to think that Africa is the most backward place in the world, but I do not think so, and I do not think it was the whites who brought the Word of God to the blacks. Rather it is the blacks who took the Word of God to them. The reason is that civilization started in Egypt, and Egypt is in Africa. The first University in the world was in Egypt. You have heard that Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt, and that Jacob and all his children went to live in Egypt for 430 years. You also heard that when Jesus was born, and Herod wanted to kill him, his parents fled with him to Egypt. The distance between Egypt and Israel is not much, and the separation is only political. Egypt was the seat of everything. It has been mentioned in the Bible that the word of God started there. That is to say, the word of God originated from Africa. After hearing this gospel I would not want you to continue reasoning that it was the whites who brought the word of God to you. For before the white men with their deceit, the blacks had already known God. Whoever killed was killed. You do not steal; if you did, you were sold. Africans already knew the ethics of life before the arrival of the white men. Therefore, the whites created all the confusion in the world today. When they came they said that a thief should be left alone, and that the people were free to fornicate about. The Africans saw them as coming to destroy the laws regulating life in the society. No person teaches another the Word of God. After hearing the first Bible Lesson, you will see that God dose not make any mistake for coming to Africa, and for calling us first. If you have been questioning why God should be in Africa, a dark continent, covered with evil, your eyes are going to be enlightened today, because God has never made any mistakes and he knows those who belong to him. That is why our Lord Jesus Christ had this parable, “When the servants went and asked the Master, did you not sow corn, why is it that there are tares in their midst? The Master replied that an enemy had done this. They asked him, “Do you wish that we should go and uproot the tares from the corn?” He told them, “Allow them to grow together lest you uproot the corn as well. At harvest time, the reapers will come and gather everything and throw the tares into the fire and preserve the corn in the storehouse.” (Matthews 13:24-30) Have you not seen that God has not left Africa? His first work of enlightenment was in Africa. He started here in Africa so he has to come to where he first started his work. Your problem is that you always think that what you see now is new. When you read the book Ecclesiastes, you will realize that there is no new thing under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) Everything comes and goes according to the evolution of time. At a time people will wear the long flowing gowns, and at another time, short dresses will be in vogue. When another generation comes with any of these styles of dressing, people will say it has come up with a new style of dressing. But it has already been in existence. You often hear of magicians who double money for people. They send the spirit of theft to go and steal these monies from behind and so they are thieves. After giving them what they want, they charge you; and they will tell you not to use the money for some time. Before it gets to them, the spirits will return the money to where they took it from. It is the same thing with having a vision or dreaming of people wearing a certain hairstyle, I want to tell you that it is an old style. It is said that it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs the race, but it is of God who shows mercy (Romans 9:16) He is the God of truth. What you see appears to you like a child’s play. But it is the long expected kingdom of God, which was shown to Nebuchardnezzar in a dream, and was consequently interpreted for him by (Daniel 2:27-47) It was said that one kingdom shall come and pass and successive kingdoms shall come and go, but one kingdom alone shall stand forever and will rule heaven and earth. This is that kingdom. This is not the kingdom of the world or of angels. This is the kingdom of God, and the Holy Spirit is reigning here. The Americans have vowed that if Jesus comes again, he will be born to them. The Israelites say that Christ will come to them. The British argue that he will be born to them. But the Africans have no such though because they feel they are sinners who are not worthy to have Our Lord Jesus Christ born to them. But since God started everything, he knows where he started, and those who are his children. So, you should not continue in your foolishness by asking why God should come to Africa, the dark, continent, full of evil. When you continue to make such utterances then you are not sane. And if I may ask, have you not read your history? The Israelites were in bondage in Egypt for many years. It was not long before that little place in Jerusalem (Israel), was given to them to dwell. God told Abraham to leave his hometown to a place he would show him, and that he would later give him a place where he would dwell with his people. You are aware that from that time, no one knew where God had chosen for himself. Since he is God and his wisdom surpasses that of man, he has started his work. Let the First Bible Lesson be read; and you should listen attentively. Open your heart and receive this word and go and ponder over it. First Bible Lesson: Romans 8:30 “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” If God is the God of Israel, why do the Israelites not know him? Christ himself testified that the children of God hear the word of God; you do not hear the word of God because you are not his children. Brethren, have you heard that? Only the children of God hear his word. Those who are not his children cannot hear his word. Can you see how narrow the way is? Those he had first predestinated for this kingdom are those he first called. Those he called are the ones he justified. Now what questions do you have to ask? Or would you say that God made a mistake? If it is true that the whites started the Word of God, why did God not go to them and why has he not called them? Right now the Church of England is lying empty, the Archbishop of Canterbury has no member again. Wherever you go to you find the place empty. Everyone stays at home. No one goes to church. This is to fulfill what Christ told the Israelites when he said in Matthew 23:38-39, “Your house will become desolate. You shall not see me again until you say, blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” The people of the world are waiting for BCS members. The first Brotherhood visited Jerusalem, all the people came out and received us; and they carried our banner. Right now they are still hoping to see us again. Upon the number of years other church denominations have been going there they paid no attention to them. But they rejoiced and welcomed Brotherhood on our first visit. And they testified that we came with great power. Very soon BCS is going to be incorporated in Israel, since we have been incorporated into Rome. We are advancing very far. The Russians have started to receive baptism, and we are going there to be incorporated. The same thing goes on everywhere. All the communist countries are asking us to come because they now believe in the existence of God. After John had baptized Our Lord Jesus Christ, Christ started baptizing people through his disciples. The disciples of John were angry when they saw Jesus baptizing, and they went and told John the Baptist that the one he had baptized was now baptizing people, and that people were going to him. But John said to them in John 3:26-28,” I have already told you that no man can receive anything except it was given him from above.” That is why Christ said,” All that came before me were thieves and robbers. The sheep did not hear them.” (John 10:8) I want you to be patient because God will call every person. But he has to start with those he first predestinated. He has to call them in turns until every person is called. We have a song; part of which says, “Prophets of old, here we are today.” But you do not believe in the words of this song. The Apostles of old, here we are. The children of God, of old, here we are. You remember when the mother of the two sons of Zebedee went and placed a request before Our Lord Jesus Christ. She knelt before him and Christ asked her what she wanted him to do for her. She said, “Grant that my two sons shall sit, one on your left hand and the other on your right hand in your Father’s kingdom.’ Christ asked her, “Can they drink of the cup which I shall drink?” They said they could. He asked if they could receive of the same baptism and they said they could. Christ affirmed that they could do these but to sit on his right or on his left was not his to grant. According to him, that was for those whom the Father had kept before the foundations of the world were laid (Matthew 20:20-23) you can see that every position has been kept for people before time. All, your struggle now is in vain because it is too late. God had elected his own people before the foundation of the world was laid. And very soon people are going to see those who he first predestinated. They are those he first called. It is for this reason that he started his work here. Do not doubt when a white man is called, or a black man, or a child or the rich and the poor; they are those he had predestinated. You are aware that in the beginning it was only Adam and Eve that he elected and gave them dominion over all fishes, all other animals and all creations. Everyone spoke one language. Their food constituted of fruits alone and man and beasts lived to together. There was no death, no sickness, no division, there was only one language. This is to indicate to you and the entire people of the world that we are one. Whenever God elects somebody, the person is one of those he first predestinated. So do not ask any questions. All you have to do is use this great privilege, and do what is right because this is the time we have been waiting for. To say that you want to go and call your wife children, brother, fathers or to trade first, will not help you since this the fullness of time and the very last time. If the kingdom was of the world, millionaires, popes, professors, the kings and emperors, would occupy all the seats. But since it is the kingdom of God, have you not seen the situation? That is why Christ said, “No man can come to me unless my Father who sent me draws him, I cause him to resurrect on the last day.” (John 6:44) All of us who are called are not worthy of the call. We are not righteous, we did not seek for it, but our names have been written in heaven. Our names are called from heaven and not here on earth. But it appears that what you have not spent money for, has no value for you. That is why God has set aside this week for all the New World Missionaries. Look around Brotherhood, you cannot find those we call full-time workers. I have not yet seen those who were first predestinated, called, justified, and glorified. This is the greatest thing in this world and the one to come. Rich people will surrender their wealth, and ask to be called, but they will not be called. The wonderful preacher who has churches all over the world will surrender them in order to be elected, but he will not be elected. The kings of the earth who rule kingdoms and nations will come down from their throne, and ask to be elected into the backyard, but they will be rejected. This election is not done here. It is those whom God did predestinate that he calls. This is not mundane or man-made: it dose not call for bribe or education, or weeping, or anger; it is not what you wish to ask for. But those he first predestinate he first called, it is them that he also justified and glorified. This is why Adam wept, prayed and fasted. But God asked him to wait until it was time. From that time, Enoch, Abraham, and the rest of the people had been requesting to be elected into this kingdom. But the reply had always been that it was not yet the fullness of time. If it is not the fullness of time, nothing can be done. It was for this reason that God sent his only begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, that he should come and shed his precious blood, and gather together all the children of God who are scattered throughout the world. Since that time, everyone has been waiting for the manifestation of the kingdom of God. Paul changed his name from Saul for the sake of this kingdom. He forsook everything in the world. He ate no meat; he did not marry a wife; he abandoned his legal practice; he did not desire anything because of this kingdom of God. Right now there are many who never married nor have ever gone near a woman since they were born. They do not eat meat or fish. They have forsaken everything while waiting for the kingdom of God, this kingdom. Also, many are living in the forests as hermits: they grow long beards, read the scriptures and conduct investigation, all in the hope of having this kingdom. There are many others who do not eat at all. They are waiting for the manifestation of the Son of God. Some communities that, are as large as the Calabar Municipality practice oneness. Everybody eats from the same plate. There is no segregation, no quarreling, no fighting, no anger, they do not drink, they do not indulge in the preparation of concoctions, and they have been doing this for the sake of this kingdom. Many places are operating free medical services, free education, free housing. Everything is provided free to the citizens. They are waiting for this kingdom. That is why the Scripture says that the end will not come until this good news of the kingdom is spread to all parts of the world (Matthew 24:14). You will be surprised to see those who will be called into this kingdom. They are those who do not drink, and they do not eat meat or fish. People, who do not marry, do not engage themselves in the affairs of this world. And they will have no problem when they are called into this kingdom. Since he is God, he says that those he did predestinate, are those he first called, and those he called he justified and glorified. Do not take undue advantage of this situation. As you have been a drunkard, a thief, a fornicator, do you still want to continue doing those things? If not, then use this opportunity to retrace your steps. Do not forget that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. What he has done is what he has to do. Many people think that even if they continue to fornicate, they have already been elected but there are thousands or millions of souls who have never married or had any business with woman in their lives. They are waiting for this kingdom, and they have already been destined for it. Take vegetarianism for an example. There are many white people (overseas) who live on one banana a day. Others have no business with food again. The oneness I am preaching to you now is being practiced by a certain community in Yurobaland, where everything is done in unison. Again in Europe, many nations and people practice communalism. They do this for the sake of this kingdom. When such people will be called, where will you be? The nations in Africa are in readiness. They are asking to be called because they are prepared to serve God. But they have not been called because, perhaps, they were not predestined by God. Many people have sent letters to the Father asking him to reveal himself to them since according to them; they are prepared to serve God. But they have not been called. People have forsaken drinking, secret society, and they have surrendered their wealth for the service of God. What they are waiting for is the call. The second Bible Lesson will now be read. Second Bible lesson: Romans 6:22 “But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.” As you continue to confess your sins saying, “ I have been angry, I have stolen, I have done this and that,” do you know that you have already been justified? God has never called any person because he is good or righteous. He calls those whom he first predestinated. If God has called us, justified and glorified us, would you continue in your former way of life? Since he has called us out of the world, and justified us, let us bear the fruits of righteousness because the end of it is everlasting life. And that is what is called Missionary Work. Since you have been called out of the evil world, you have also been justified and glorified to rule with him according to his promise. You should have the virtues of love, humility, peace and harmony. We should not fornicate or indulge in the preparation of concoctions. We should bear fruits unto holiness. Is it not shameful that whenever you embark on a missionary journey to a place whose inhabitants do not quarrel, fight, drink, or fornicate, or indulge in any evil acts, but you begin to quarrel, fight, drink, or fornicate, what kind of a missionary are you? You are a missionary but you go out with your articles of trade. You preach on one side and trade on the other side. If after preaching, you tell them that you have some articles for sale, how will they regard you? They will consider you a mad man person. There are many non-Missionaries who own houses, but do not engage in any commercial activities or fornication. Their major concern is how to enter the kingdom of God. There are people who fast and do everything to be called into the kingdom of God, but they are not called. But you whom God has called have no love in you; for you are still angry, you are also looking for money, cars, and many other things. You do not have time to go on ministry work. Christ has said that whoever sets his hands to the plough and looks back, is not fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62). You have heard about Mary Slessor and many other missionaries. What they did was Real Missionary Work, and not what people are doing today. All those who surrender themselves completely unto God are the Missionaries. The name is the New World Missionary and all those who surrender themselves unto God, and do not fornicate, will be elected into this office. All the virtues of a Missionary must be seen in you otherwise, you are not a Missionary. Our first lesson says, “Whom he did predestinate, them he also called, and whom he called, he also justified; and whom he justified, them he also glorified,” but you sill go and entangle your selves with the things of the world. What do you mean by this? Everyday you confess that you did tell lies, drink, fornicate, and do many other things. Is that how you can reveal the glory of God? The church denominations are forsaking many sins, but you who take the word of God to them are asking for a woman’s hand in marriage; you are looking for money from people; you are angry and you backbite and tell lies. What kind of teaching are you taking to them? When you tell people that you have an article of trade, they will want to see it with their eyes. It is when you see a dying man that tears run down your eyes. Therefore we must bear fruits unto holiness. We have to be truthful, kind, merciful, and we must have all the virtues of God, which will lead us to eternal life. That sister from the communist country who is married to one of our brothers said she was taken to a certain church denomination where she observed how the people were quarreling and fighting in the church, and they concluded that though they do not go to church in their place, the people do not quarrel and fight. For this reason she stopped going to that church. Since God has called us, justified us, and bestowed this glory unto us, let us live a life that is in consonance with holiness so that onlookers will know that we are true Missionaries; otherwise they will say that the kingdom of God has not yet come. The kingdom of God is love, peace, and joy there is no distinction between the Jew and the Greek. We do not quarrel here, we do not cause divisions, we do not fornicate, we are not angry here. Every person lives in peace and joy with his fellow being. Do not invite someone to come into this kingdom because no person calls another. If the father does not call someone, that person cannot come. It is not like the things of the world, which, people buy, with money or use force to acquire. You cannot apply these methods here. Whatever you were before, during the time God had not yet called you, now that the invitation has been extended to you, you must live a life that is commensurate with the tradition of the kingdom of God. The Golden Text will now be read. Golden Text: Hebrews 12:28 “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and with godly fear.” Brethren, have you heard that? Go to Okoyong today and see what Mary Slessor did. As a missionary you should act as a woman, a man, you lie on the bare floor, fetch water for others. In fact, you should be a servant to people. That is our way of showing gratitude to God for calling us. If it were money we would not have had it. And so, even if we are cursed, we have to stand firm and help those who curse us and do everything for them. God has called you, justified you, and glorified you. What have you done for him? We should no longer be angry. We should not fight again. We should be prepared to sacrifice ourselves by doing every good work, and show gratitude to God. As I look at you, it appears that you lack a thankful heart. You do not know that you have been called and justified and the glory has been laid on your shoulders. Remember what the scripture says: “Did the Israelites stumble that they may fall? The answer is that it is through their error that salvation came to unto the Gentiles.” (Acts 28:25-28) It will be because of your error that others will take over your place, if you are not careful. There is a chief from Aba whom this call has been extended to. He was baptized on the 24th of April, and the Father asked him to build a cathedral in his area. Recently he brought the keys of the building, which has been completed to me. He was formerly a member of the Ogboni, Amorc and many other organizations. He has burnt everything, which he got from these places. The other day, he brought three other Chiefs with him and informed me that he has started building another Bethel. Look at what this new member has done. What do you think of yourself who boast of having been in Brotherhood for the past twenty years? Since you were called, justified and glorified, you are still looking for carnal things and you are still holding to all the old things of the world. You are quarreling and you are still angry, you still bear malice against people, you are still looking for money everywhere, you are still stingy and you do not want to use your gifts for the service of God. Your ministry work does not exceed one week. But there are people who have surrendered themselves completely for the service of God. When they come in, what do you think will be your position? The call is still going on. We have it in a song that Jesus calls them one by one, two by two, and three by three until he calls all of them. Let us who were first called not be the last because of our evil ways. This kingdom is that which nothing can shake. If you fornicate, it is a loss to you. If you do not practice the word of God, you are to blame. Everyday this kingdom continues to grow higher and higher because God is calling the whites, and the blacks, people of all nations and of every tongue and tribe. Go to London, America and all over the world and you will see that Brotherhood is spreading like wild fire. People have forsaken, everything for the sake of this kingdom. They have forsaken wealth, husband, wives, positions and everything of the world for the sake of this kingdom. But you are playing around the corner. What is it that you are looking for? Two weeks ago a certain reverend testified that he had ten churches but has now surrendered all of them to Brotherhood. When he was here in Nigeria, he did not want Brotherhood. It was when he went to America that God revealed himself to him there. He consequently started preaching Brotherhood right there in America to the whites. When he visited Nigeria, he came with three white men to see the Father and to surrender his churches. But since it was our Pentecostal season, they could not see the Father and those white men went home. They hope to come again (to see the Father). Many other churches are surrendering to the Father. What then are you doing? It is the Father who is calling them. If you do not gird your loins, know that you are not the only person God has called. Let us therefore have a thankful heart because what is lacking in us is a thankful heart. It is ingratitude, which has killed you. You are asking God for money, children and good health. Are those things greater than this kingdom? What is greater than having the Father to call you, justify you and glorify you? What have you done in return? Remember what Peter asked Christ: “We who have forsaken everything, what will be our gain?” “Verily, verily, I say unto you, that ye which have followed me, in the generation when the Son of man shall sit upon the throne of his Glory, ye shall sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And every one that has forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or children or land for my Name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life.” (Matthew 19:27-29) Right now the whole United Kingdom is in the hands of the Father. The Father has penetrated U.S.A., Europe, Asia, Africa and the whole world. The harvest is ripe; that is why you are sent out. But now you want to trade, marry, build a house and finish everything before you enter into the vineyard. Is this the way to become a Missionary? One stroke of the cane is sufficient to the wise. He, who has ears to hear, let him hear. May God bless his Holy Words. Amen! THANK YOU FATHER!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 22:17:24 +0000

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