LET GO! We are frequently told to let go of our mates and go on - TopicsExpress


LET GO! We are frequently told to let go of our mates and go on with our lives. This recommendation is completely valid, but not in the way that it is usually meant. What does letting go and getting on with life really mean to someone who believes In permanency in marriage. First of all, letting go means that we release our mate to the Lord and put them on the altar,. This frees God to work in our situations. God is the only one who can heal our marriages. If we could do it by ourselves, our marriages would have been healed a long time ago, right? When we take our hands off and release our mates to the Lord, He is able to move on our behalf. Letting go can be difficult to do. Years ago when my older son was small, he came to me crying one day. When I asked him what was wrong, he said he could not get his hand out of the jeans pocket. Upon checking, I discovered that his little hand was drawn into a fist, making it impossible to remove. I told him to straighten out his hand, but he only cried harder. I questioned him further and found that he had a special rock in his fist, and he refused to let go. I finally convinced him that letting go was the only way he could remove his hand, making it possible for me to retrieve the rock! I laugh about this funny little story now, but we are often just as stubborn as Craig. God invites us to give Him our problems but we continue to hang on to them, thinking that is what we have to do. (See 1 Peter 5:7) It is not until we relinquish our mates and our situations that God can move on our behalf. (which He wants to do). Secondly, letting go means we stop being in control. For most of us, this is the hardest part. This means that we stop trying to talk them back home, stop using the Word of God to condemn them, stop using our children to manipulate them, and stop putting guilt on them. These actions are interpreted by our mates as manipulation and control, and they will continue to rebel against them. When we give our mates to the Lord, there is a freedom from pressure that our mates feel in their souls (mind, will and emotions). Even though miles may physically separate us, there is no distance in the spirit. Thirdly, letting go means getting on with our lives. We do this by taking our eyes off our mates and what they are doing (or not doing) and by looking at ourselves .(Matthew 7:3-5) going on with our lives means we develop a close relationship with the Lord through prayer and His Word so that He can heal us. Once we begin to be healed, we will discover that we have the ability to hear clearly from the Lord. Finally, I would encourage you to let go of your mates and put them on the altar so that God can work His will and purpose in their lives. In no way does this mean that you stop praying, confessing the Word, or doing spiritual warfare on their behalf. It simply means that you let God move while you allow Him to work in your own life. The result will be peace. However, let me caution you not to mistake this peace as God releasing you from your stand. The peace you experience is the believer’s rest that comes from taking your hands off your situation and releasing it to God. Unknown~ Karen~
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 23:04:50 +0000

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