LET HIS WORD SETTLE IN YOU SO IT CAN WORK FOR YOU........... Psa119:89 For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. In the heavenly realms God’s Word has been settled. There is no debating or disputing His Word. His Word is true and anything contrary to it is false. Because God’s Word is settled, and true in heaven it has the ability to effect what is happening in the physical. The Word has been settled in heaven but that same Word must now be settled in your mind and stirred up in your spirit. If it’s not settled in our mind that the Word is the first and only solution, receive grace today to do so in Jesus name. The beginning of your transformation is the Word being settled in your mind. The Word goes to the root of false beliefs, fears, strongholds and perceptions. It destroys them from the root. Once the ground is plowed it now begins to take deep root in your mind as you continue in the Word. You can’t plant in the bush, the Word can’t take root in strongholds and unbelief. They must be swept away so the Word can be planted deep enough to weather the storms. It doesn’t matter how deep the negative belief may be, if you continue in the Word by the help of the Holy Spirit it will be dealt with. The Holy Ghost was given to open our eyes to see and understand what God has done for us and to us. “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.” 1 Cor 2:12 God’s Word is living, active and sharper than any two-edged sword. When Jesus (The Word) came to live inside of you all the blessing of God was given to you (John 16:15) . The Word is now inside of you. God has blessed you (Eph 1:3). There is no blessing left to give, you are now loaded. But in order to see that blessing manifest it must be stirred up in your spirit. Meditation by the Holy Ghost activates God’s Word in your spirit. The Apostle Paul knew the importance of stirring up the gift God has given us through the Word (2 Timothy 1:6) Apostle Peter also knew the importance of stirring up through remembrance or thinking on God’s Word (2 Peter 1:12-13). God’s Word and His Spirit are the forces of creation, any work God does is by these two forces. God must be working in you first if God is going to work through you. Paul was dynamic because of the operation of God’s Word and power in his life. He operated not from his flesh or mind but from the working of God in his life. Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily. Col 1:29 The Word of God had prevailed and overcome Paul’s natural ability and he now could work from that power. Everywhere he went he would prevail because God was now working in him. God’s power had so prevailed that even deadly poison from a serpent could not prevail against the working of God in Paul (Acts 28:3-5) This day find grace to stir up the Word of God in your life. You shall operate from the heavenly realm in Christ Jesus through the operation of God’s Word in your life in Jesus name!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 20:24:16 +0000

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