LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR, I SERVE GOD FIRST!! My first order of - TopicsExpress


LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR, I SERVE GOD FIRST!! My first order of commitment is OBEYING GOD FIRST, and being led by THE HOLY SPIRIT as I minister to others. For those that are led by the SPIRIT of God are the Sons of God. (Romans 8:14) People, with all due respect, we must learn to be respectful and tactful with other Five fold ministers, (Ephesians 4:11-12) and learn NOT to make assumptions about what we (ministers) do or dont do with our OWN time. Jesus took time away to deal with, and submit to the Father, and not only that we have personal lives and families as well. Respect it. Be mindful of that people of God and dont assume things in ERROR. I received a very ignorant message from someone today, who assumed that I had read her inbox message and in actuality, I had NOT even been in the FB INBOX at all. Just because you see me POST, doesnt mean that I am AUTOMATICALLY checking my inbox, reading them, or ignoring you. Perhaps I am just having family time? Me time? Prayer time? Etc. Etc, etc...! Give respect and honor where honor is due...!! This is not a game, this is real ministry, and as such WE must be led by the LORD, not flesh. My meat is to do the WILL of the ONE who sent Me, not mans will! Someone made an assumption that I read their INBOX message and chose to just ignore it? Mind you, I had not seen ANY MESSAGES AT ALL. ------------------------------------------- And her msg reads.....as follows; Wow.. Your silence speaks volumes to me.... I thank GOD that I am not suicidal. God bless you anyway! ------------------------------------------- Now this person also blocked me as well, for their own wrong assumption. IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS....Wow, Gods people we MUST do Better! Get informed properly before you open your mouth and ASSUME in IGNORANCE...!! Grow up! Lets have Mutual respect for one another....thats Kingdom!!
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 22:32:41 +0000

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