LET THE SCHOLARS BEWARE! Abu Hurairah (radhi Allahu anhu) - TopicsExpress


LET THE SCHOLARS BEWARE! Abu Hurairah (radhi Allahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) said: Whoever lives in the dessert becomes rough; whoso follows the game becomes careless; and whoso comes to the doors of the rulers falls into fitnah (trouble); and a slave does not come nearer to the ruler, except that he becomes further from Allah. (Musnad Ahmad, Shiekh Ahmad Shakir said its chain of narration is Saheeh) Ibn Abbas (radhi Allahu anhu) reported that the prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) said: Whoever lives in the desert, becomes rough; whoso follows the game, becomes careless; and whoso comes to the ruler falls into fitnah. (Nisaee, Tirmidhi, and Abu Dawood - See Saheeh al-Jami: 6296) Abi al-Awar as-Silmi (radhi Allahu anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhe wa salam) said: Beware of the doors of the ruler for they have indeed become a source of trouble and humiliation. (Saheeh ad-Dailamee, Ibn Mundah, Ibn-Asaaki - See as-Saheehah: 1253) In explaining the saying of (sallallahu alayhe wa salam): ...and whoso comes to the doors of the rulers falls into fitnah, The writer of Tuhfat ul-Ahwadhi said, with reference to the Qaadhi (judge): ...i.e. to come to him without any necessity or need, he falls into fitnah. So if he complies with what he wants, and he leaves him (i.e. the ruler leaves the judge), then he has placed his deen in danger. And if he disagree with him, then he has put his dunya (life of this world) in danger. (Tuhfat ul-Ahwadhee: 6/533) The scholars of the salaf were very cautious from going to the rulers for fear of fitnah, and they have spoken much about this issue. Imaam Ibn Rajab (rahimahullah) said: Many of the salaf used to forbid from going to the kings even for the one who wished to order them to do good and prohibit them from doing evil. Amongst those who forbade this were Umar bin Abdul-Azeez, Ibn Mubaarak, ath-Thawri, and others from amonst the Imaams. Ibn Mubaarak said: In our opinion, it is not enjoining good and prohibiting evil for one to go to them and order and prohibit them, rather enjoining good and prohibiting evil is related to avoiding them. The reason for this is what is feared in regards to the fitnah by going to them, for when he is far from them, the soul suggests to the man that he should order and prohibit them, and be stern with him; when he is near to them, the soul inclines to them since the love of nobility is hidden in the soul, and therefore he flatters them, is friendly towards them, he may even be biased towards them and love them - especially if they act friendly towards him and are generous to him and he accepts that from them. (Jaami Bayaan al-Ilm wa Fadhlah: 1/178 - 179) Ayyub as-Sakhtiyani said: Abu Qulaabah said to me: O Abu Ayyub, take three characteristics from me: Beware of the doors of the rulers, beware of the gatherings of the people of desires, and stick with the market for affluence comes from well-being. (Jaami Bayaan al-Ilm wa Fadhlah: 1/164) Abu Haazim, one of the foremost tabieen (people who saw the companions but not the prophet) said that the scholars used to flee from the ruler whilst he sought after them, and today they come to the doors of the ruler, whilst the ruler flees from them. (Jaami Bayaan al-Ilm wa Fadhlah: 1/164) May Allah have mercy upon the scholars of the salaf, every oppression was effaced through them, and every truthful one followed their way. Then there was the ruler who used to warn them from coming close to him, he used to hold fast to the Shariah, implement it, and rule with it in the lives of the people. Then what if they were to see the rulers of our times, those who have transgressed in the lands, created much mischief therein, exchanged the deen of the Lord of the worshippers with their limited minds, dirtied their beliefs with trivialities, and have brought the laws of the Europeans and the Romans with which to govern the Muslims in this day and age? And what if the scholars of the Salaf saw our scholars of today (except those upon whom Allah has shown Mercy) - who have inclined to these tyrants, beautified their actions to them, made fair their murders of the Muslims, the muwahideen (upholders of tawheed), weakening their honor by issuing fataawa (legal verdicts) after fataawa to make their thrones firm, and safeguard their kingdoms, by labelling everyone opposed to them as a rebel or khaariji (one of the extreme deviant sect of the khawaarij)? And labelling the ruler of Saudi Arabia as Ameer ul-Mumineen (chief believer). They covered the deen for the people until they turned a blind eye to the tyrants; the exchangers of Allahs law, those who govern the slaves of Allah with that which Allah did not reveal - what if the scholars of the salaf saw this group which has sold its deen for worldly gains which will disappear, makes fair seeming for them what they do, and permit the torture and murder of every truthful Muslim? How beautiful are the words of Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) in Al-Faouad when he said: The scholars of evil sit at the doors of al-Jannah (paradise) calling the people to it with their speech, but calling to the fire with their actions; every time they speak their words to the people they rush forward whilst their actions suggest not to listen to them - for if what they had been calling to was true, they would have been the first to respond. Thus they are seemingly guides, but are in fact highway robbers.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:34:30 +0000

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