LET US ARISE TO THE CHALLENGE NOW! In a few short years these - TopicsExpress


LET US ARISE TO THE CHALLENGE NOW! In a few short years these unpretentious followers of the lonely Galilean, had spread the good news throughout the then known world. They traveled across land on foot and water by boat. They had no orchestra to accompany them and no public address systems to facilitate better communications. Some were educated, some were not. Peter and his entourage were labeled unlearned and ignorant men. However, there was one qualification they all had in common, and that was that they were serious about their Lord’s mandate. They were committed to His cause and nothing would deter them from obedience to His instruction and above all else they had the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit. In speaking of those early days, Tertullian wrote: “We engage in these conflicts as men whose very lives are not our own.” This faithful band of dedicated followers of the Lamb, took Christ’s command seriously and completed the first phase of their initial ministry. The story is told that when the Lord Jesus returned to Heaven, on being greeted by the angels He was asked, “Who have you left to carry out this great task?” He answered, “I have left a few faithful followers.” One angel then asked, “what if they fail?” He answered, “They will not fail.” What incredible confidence the Saviour has in you and me! Beloved, the task is not complete. Not near complete. Millions, yes untold millions at this time, have not even had one single serving of the Bread of Life! While in this land, multitudes of churches continues to spend billions on newer and more elaborate edifices and millions and millions on entertaining Christians! The mandate of our Lord, was not to get everyone saved, while this would be wonderful; yet it remains unthinkable. The explicit instruction to that faithful few, just hours before He returned to the Father, was to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Paul said, “For I have an obligation to all peoples, to the civilized and to the savage, to the educated and to the ignorant” - Romans 1:14. Let the Christian church arise and take this obligation seriously and begin to move out into the ripened harvest fields of the earth, with a renewed passion for the lost and with a renewed determination to give everyone an ‘opportunity’ to hear and be saved and then we will have every reason to expect the return of the blessed Bridegroom, for a Bride made up of some from every tribe and nation. - Dr. Steeves
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 02:32:09 +0000

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