LET US GET RID OF ALL WORTHLESS GODS AND RELIGIONS- MAKE YOURSELF A GOD WITH MONEY AND MODERN TECHNOLOGY! YOUR RELIGION OR YOUR GOD(WHATEVER NAME) ARE NOT WORTH A DAMN IF IT CAN NOT IMMEDIATE PLACE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY INTO HEAVEN OR PARADISE ON THIS EARTH- USE YOUR BRAIN TO PLACE YOURSELF IN HEAVEN AND STOP BEING FOOLISH: THE ROTHSCHILD FAMILY ( worth $500 trillion US dollars) HAVE USED THEIR BRAINS TO CONQUER THE WHOLE WORLD AND PUT THEM SELVES IN HEAVEN ON EARTH! DONT YOU THINK THAT IT IS TIME TO USE OUR BRAINS TO GET INTO HEAVEN ON EARTH? LET US USE THE INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST CARD COMPANY PROGRAM TO GET US IN HEAVEN ON EARTH: THE MATH WHICH MAKES THE WEALTH BANK PROGRAM A MATHEMATICAL POSSIBILITY- NOT MAGIC !!! AN ARAB PRINCE IS OFFERING A BILLION DOLLARS TO INVEST IN THE INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST COMPANY: ORDINARY CARDHOLDERS MAY PAY $100.00 FOR THE WEALTH CARD AND QUALIFY TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE; IT IS YOUR TIME TO SHINE. WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! ----- Original Message ----- From: Mr. Farouk Y.K Almoayyed To: [email protected] Sent: Wed, 23 May 2012 13:13:30 -0000 (UTC) Subject: Re: PRINCE FAROUK Y. K ALMOAYYED; TO DR. MUMUTALAKAT: PART 2 OF THE BENEFITS OF THE WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST CARD PROGRAM Hello Micheal, Thank you very much my friend,i learn in business to be taking one step after another,becomes when i rush things i may make a big mistake in life.My investment adviser have contacted my office that they expect to conclude the estate deal with you on 31st may in London.So i hope to seal this $150 million estate contract first before we can ,proceed with this billion dollar bank project you are proposing again.Maybe i can also do this bank project with you and my cousin together becomes the amount involved is too much,with my my cousin and i together we can do that,but we are ready anyway.So contact madam Robb now,conclude the other business then we can do another.. Thank you. ,نت لطيف! أنتِ لطيفة!. (شكرا (جزيل. SOMEONE BLOCKED HIS PICTURE!!! Alhaji Farouk Yousuf Almoayyed Chairman Y. K. Almoayyed & Sons Group From: [email protected] To: farouk.private@yahoo Cc: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 11:21 AM Subject: Re:PRINCE FAROUK Y. K ALMOAYYED; TO DR. MUMUTALAKAT: PART 2 OF THE BENEFITS OF THE WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST CARD PROGRAM DEAR PRINCE FAROUK Y. K ALMOAYYED: YOU SAID, I AM OPEN TO OTHER INVESTMENTS. PLEASE, YOU REVIEW THE FOLLOWING INVESTMENT TO SEE IF YOU WOULD WANT TO PARTICIPATE AS A MAJOR PARTNER. THIS NEW PLAN WILL GUARANTEE INVESTMENT RETURN IN THE BILLIONS: THE MORE BILLIONS INVESTED THE FASTER THE INVESTOR CAN OBTAIN A GREATER MULTIPLIED GUARANTEED RETURN.; FOR EXAMPLE, WITH A $30 BILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENT, WITHIN 5 YEARS BANK MANAGEMENT CAN GUARANTEED A PROFIT OF AT LEAST $45 BILLION DOLLARS MEANING THAT THE INVESTOR WALKS WITH $ 75 BILLION AT THE END OF 5 YEARS. WITH MY NEW MODEL BANK PLAN, THE AFOREMENTIONED PROFIT CAN BE EASILY PAYOUT! I WILL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION TO ALL INVESTORS. I AM SEEKING BILLION DOLLAR INVESTORS WHO DESIRE TO MULTIPLY THERE BILLIONS! PLEASE YOU SEE THE MONETARY PROJECTIONS BELOW: ( PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHMENT!) ALSO PLEASE SHOW PLAN TO ARAB BANKERS(thank you!) 1) SEE THE 5 YEAR INTERNATIONAL WEALTH BANK & CARDS MONETARY PROJECTION: 2) SEE THE ATTACHMENT: LETTER TO DR. MUMTALAKAT READ ABOUT THE PLAN THAT IS REALLY GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD! IT POSSESS THE POWER TO MAKE EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET A MILLIONAIRE: YOU ALL ARE GOING TO NEED THIS PLAN TO LIVE A QUALITY LIFESTYLE IN THE FUTURE!!! WITH THIS PLAN, EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET SHALL BE ABLE TO DEVOTE THEIR LIVES TO SELF DEVELOPMENT AND SELF FULFILLMENT OF THEIR OWN CHOICE: SEE THE PLAN WHERE YOU CAN PURCHASE THE WEALTH CARD FOR $100.00 AND QUALIFY FOR A $1 MILLION DOLLAR WEALTH CREATION TRUST CARD! THIS IS FOR EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH: ANNUAL COST $100.00 by Michael Hendricks on Monday, March 7, 2011 at 9:19pm · CHANGE YOUR PERSONAL WORLD- IT IS YOUR TIME TO SHINE: REGISTER FOR THE WEALTH CARD I offer you an extraordinary product ($1 MILLION DOLLAR WEALTH CARD) for only $100.00 annually and an Opportunity for you to share membership and Financial Benefits of a New Kingdom; according to our 5 Year Mathematical Plan, we can produce $10,000 Trillion Dollars: Jesus Christ said, “FIRST SEEK THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND ALL THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU.” Jesus establishes the Spiritual Kingdom of God within you, but in order for the Kingdom of God to Rule on earth, it must possess the money; those who own the gold make the Rules! Everyday, people die for money, power, and control over one anothers lives. On the Daily News, we see: Violent revolutions take place every day with one-armed Regime fighting to topple another armed Regime for money, power and control over the life of someone else or even your life. Again, The Supreme Being has given me The Vision of a 5 Step/ 5 Year Mathematical Plan and Projections that include achievable annual objectives to complete His Goal within 5 Years to make every one on Earth a Millionaire. However, there are doubters who are uncertain about the possibilities of this extraordinary product and plan coming into existence; there are opponents of God who do not want His Children blessed;Moreover, there are the skeptics who have the attitude that the $1 Million Dollar Wealth Card may be possible, but it is highly improbable. Nonetheless, I have a Challenge for all of the doubters, opponents, and skeptics to PROVE that this Divine Plan is mathematically inaccurate and to prove today that we don’t have the Computer Technology to annually register per year one billion Cardholders; this Day, I challenge anyone anywhere on our Planet professional business men and women, any economists, any expert bankers, any financial consultants, any mathematicians teachers or professors and even scientists to prove wrong my mathematical calculations or to prove wrong the fact that Computers can accurately and annually register up to 1 billion or even more Cardholders per annum: since mathematics is a universal language ,if anyone can prove wrong the mathematical project-ions, then it would be impossible for the mathematical possibilities to exist; on the other hands, if the mathematical projections are certain, precise and/or right, then the mathematic calculations and expectations about the presented monetary values must be possible and possess the power to come into existence when accurately and properly implemented in a timely manner or fashion. Consequently, for the benefit of the learnt and unlearnt any challenger may simply go to my Fan Page by going to the Top of your face book page and type in – International Wealth Creation Bank and Trust Company. Then, on my Fan Page under Recent Activity, click on the title “Achievable Goals of a Business Plan to Eliminate all Doubts.” Redemption is not complete without Divine Provision; however, you must take action (register) to produce the following Supernatural Manifestation: 5 STEP BANK PLAN ( 5 YEARS ) TO ACCOMPLISH OUR ANNUAL/ULTIMATE GOALS: 1.) OUR INTERNATIONAL CARDHOLDERS ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENT(FIRST YEAR): a) 1 BILLION WEALTH CARDHOLDERS ( 1,000,000,000) x b) Annual Fee $100.00 = c) $100 BILLION BANK RESERVE( INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST COMPANY) 2.) $ 100 BILLION BANK RESERVE TO QUALIFY AND ESTABLISH A $1 TRILLION DOLLAR TRUST FUND ( BANK OPERATIONAL PERIOD 1 YEAR= SECOND YEAR PROGRAM) a) $ 100 BILLION DOLLAR BANK RESERVE = b) $1 TRILLION DOLLAR OF A CONSUMER LENDING POWER TRUST FUND 3.) $1 TRILLION BANK RESERVE TO QUALIFY AND ESTABLISH A $10 TRILLION DOLLAR TRUST FUND (BANK OPERATIONAL PERIOD 1 YEAR-THIRD YEAR OF PROGRAM): a) $10 TRILLION DOLLAR BANK RESERVE = b) $100 TRILLION DOLLARS OF A CONSUMER LENDING POWER TRUST FUND 4.) $100 TRILLION DOLLAR BANK RESERVE TO QUALIFY AND ESTABLISH A $1 QUADRILLION DOLLAR TRUST FUND( BANK OPERATIONAL PERIOD 1 YEAR-FOURTH YEAR OF PROGRAM) a) $100 TRILLION DOLLAR BANK RESERVE = b) $1 QUADRILLION DOLLARS OF A CONSUMER LENDING POWER TRUST FUND 5.) $ 1 QUADRILLION DOLLAR BANK RESERVE TO QUALIFY AND ESTABLISH A $ 10 QUADRILLION DOLLAR TRUST FUND ( BANK OPERATIONAL PERIOD 1 YEAR-FIFTH YEAR OF OUR PROGRAM) a) $ 7 QUADRILLION DOLLARS REQUIRED TO MAKE EVERY HUMAN BEING ON OUR PLANET A MILLIONAIRE: 7 BILLION CARDHOLDERS X $ 1 MILLION DOLLAR WEALTH CREATION TRUST CARD = $7 QUADRILLION DOLLARS b) BANK MANAGEMENT WOULD HAVE A SURPLUS OF A $ 3 QUADRILLION DOLLAR BANK RESERVE AFTER FUNDING THE $1 MILLION DOLLAR WEALTH CREATION TRUST CARD OF EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH! THIS BANK PLAN AND PRODUCT(OUR $ 1,000,000.00 WEALTH CREATION TRUST CARD) IS VERY, VERY EXCITING AND EXTRAORDINARY BECAUSE A SKYROCKETING DEMAND WORLDWIDE WOULD BE CREATED AND AN INTERNATIONAL RUSH FOR ENROLLMENT BY CARDHOLDERS ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE WOULD TAKE PLACE BASED UPON INTERNATIONAL NEED OF CONSUMERS FOR FINANCIAL SECURITY AND FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. MOST IMPORTANTLY, WE WOULD END POVERTY AND LACK OF MONEY IN THE PERSONAL LIVES OF EVERY HUMAN BEING THIS EARTH! EVERY INDIVIDUAL IN OUR WORLD COMMUNITY MAY REGISTER AT: 1. GO TO THE TOP OF YOUR FACE BOOK PAGE 2. TYPE IN THE TITLE- International Wealth Creation Bank and Trust Company 3. ON MY FAN PAGE- TYPE IN YOUR NAME AND E-MAIL ADDRESS 4. WE WILL E-MAIL YOU AN OFFICIAL NUMBER FOR YOUR $1 MILLION DOLLAR WEALTH CREATION TRUST CARD. I AM NO LONGER PROMOTING A INTERNATIONAL ENROLLMENT CAMPAIGN SINCE THE ACTUAL GREAT DEMAND THAT EXIST FOR OUR EXTRAORDINARY PRODUCT HAS NOT BEEN REFLECTED IN OUR REGISTRATION PROCESS: THERE SHOULD BE SKYROCKETING DEMAND FOR THIS AUTHENTIC OFFER! HOWEVER, I WILL CONTINUE TO CONDUCT AN INTERNATIONAL SURVEY UNTIL WE OBTAIN GREATER/FASTER NUMBERS! 1.) PHONE CONTACT: 443-759-9981 2.) E-MAIL: [email protected] 3.) website: osb.homestead ( You may see Local and National Programs) FINANCIAL MINISTER MICHAEL S. HENDRICKS INTERNATIONAL CHAIRMAN INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ---- Original Message ----- From: [email protected] To: mumtalakat90@gmail Cc: [email protected] Sent: Mon, 21 May 2012 10:24:45 -0000 (UTC) Subject: TO DR. MUMUTALAKAT: PART 2 OF THE BENEFITS OF THE WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST CARD PROGRAM DR. MUMTALAKAT( MR. TATAL ALI AL ZAIN): PLEASE PERUSE THE FINANCIAL BENEFITS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST CARD COMPANY PROGRAM: Michael Hendricks May 16 at 3:36 am near Baltimore · THE WEALTH CREATION CARD I. I claim a Wealth Creation Card Program (supported by selected existing financial institutions, their financial resources, all their financial services, all their financial product, and the financial laws which govern the aforementioned; moreover, I claim that I have developed a new useful-process and/or improvement from all the aforementioned is our Wealth Creation Card Program that can perform the following on the Wealth Creation Card: 1) Our Wealth Creation Card Program (or financial processing system) can enable a Wealth Creation Card holder to instantaneously create wealth and to futuristically guarantee a Selected Amount of Wealth; thereby, the intrinsic instant and future monetary value of a saved dollar and/or spent dollar becomes infinite with the Wealth Creation Card Program. 2) Our Wealth Creation Card Program (or processing system using all relevant financial institutions, all relevant financial services, all relevant financial resources, all relevant financial products and all relevant financial laws which govern aforementioned can create instant millionaires from ordinary card holders. 3) Our Wealth Creation Card Program all relevant institutions, all relevant financial services, all relevant financial resources, all relevant financial products, and all relevant financial laws which govern the aforementioned can obtain annual income tax deductions for the card holder’s direct deposited saving contributions which are tax deductible from both state and federal income taxes plus the card holder may obtain a rebate from both levels of government. Moreover, with our Wealth Creation Card Program estate tax-liability on multi-billion dollar private estates can be eliminated to zero dollar amount – thus having more money to transfer to future generations – by using owe unlimited estate tax deduction option on owe Wealth Creation Card. All tax deductible contributions accumulate tax-free in our wealth creation saving accounts. 4) Our Wealth Creation Card Program) financial processing system) can instant or immediately or immediately create private estate packages worth millions of dollars for ordinary card holders. In addition, bank management may also provide for the private estate packages to be arranged as self-completing mandatory contractual plans in the event of death, longevity, disability, and long term unemployment or quitting. Moreover, our program can provide corporate co-signing, authority for cardholders to purchase automobiles, furniture, recreational vehicles etc. 5) Our Wealth Creation Card Program (or financial processing system) can empower our cardholders to instantly or immediately utilize personal accumulated capital as risk capital to purchase long term assets with high investments returns such as business enterprises. Ownership backed by the Wealth Creation Bank until cardholders ultimately possess 100% ownerships or financial independence. Moreover, cardholders (in group development accounts) may purchase an employee owned corporations or permanent employment opportunities with executive pay. 6) Our Wealth Creation Card Program (or financial processing system) can qualify cardholders for two options: (a) the non-charitable option and (b) The qualified charitable option ; (a) If the predominant purpose is to receive a benefit from our charity (OSB, Inc.), a financial institution or corporation may deduct an unlimited monetary amount from annual gross-revenue, (b) If the predominant purpose is to make a charitable donation, the financial institution (or corporation) may contribute 10% of its gross annual revenue thereby receiving a 10% qualified charitable deductions. 7) Our Wealth Creation Card Program (or financial processing system) can provide a new useful process and /or a new useful improvement to instant or immediately qualify cardholders for Home Ownership thorough our mandatory contractual plan utilizing selected relevant financial institutions, relevant financial services, relevant financial products all financial resources and relevant financial laws which govern the aforementioned. Moreover, our home ownership program shall be self completing in the event of and long term unemployment or quitting. 8) Our Wealth Creation Card Program (or financial processing system) using a new useful process or new useful improvement with the existing selected financial institutions selected financial services, selected products, all financial resources, and the financial laws which govern the aforementioned shall empower a Wealth Creation Card holder to instantly create Unlimited Wealth with very low dollars, and match or multiply a dollar saved 100%, 200%, 300% or more etc., to accelerate and accumulate tax free savings, instead of debt: We claim a new type saving account entitled the Wealth Creation Savings which creates instant wealth, more accelerated (saving power) and accumulated tax free savings and tax rebates. 9) Our Wealth Creation Card Program (or financial processing system) using a new useful process and/or new useful improvement with existing selected financial institutions, all of their financial services, any of their financial products, world wide financial resources, and any or all financial laws which govern the aforementioned shall empower a Wealth Creation Card holder to instantly create unlimited Wealth with very few dollars, and match or multiply a dollar spent 100%, 200%, or 300% or more etc., to immediately, multiply annual income of the Card holder to a predetermined amount of money creating more (spending power). 10) Our wealth Creation Card Program (or financial processing system) using our useful process and/or new useful improvement shall empower our cardholders with a self completing guaranteed/predetermined saving goal and account which have equal guaranteed resent and future monetary values that self complete in the event of longevity, death, disability, long-term unemployment and/or quitting. To explain, within this new saving account, a Card holder may receive today the current discounted monetary value of a (future self completing guaranteed saving’s goal): to illustrate, the future self completing guaranteed 40 year saving goal of $1,000,000 may be paid today to the Wealth Creation Account as a current discounted monetary value of $800,000.00 and/or the Card holder may receive the total value option of $1,000,000 in his or her account. 11) Our Wealth Creation Card is not a credit card and our Wealth Creation Card Program shall not use the credit analysis or rating system to qualify our membership (card holders). Our Wealth Creation Bank shall change the focus and emphasis of credit eligibility and under writing criteria from traditional “credit risk analysis” to evaluation of “long range outcomes.” Therefore, our bank management claim that we shall not use excellent credit, good credit, negative credit history, bad credit ratings or scores to deny or deprive any consumer from the general public the in alienable right or opportunity do monetarily advance one’s self and/or loved ones to share in the American Dream of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. 12) Our Wealth Creation Cardholders who have been financially wipe out by bad credit, bankruptcy, some sort of financial ruin, gone through natural disasters, made financial disorder (long term unemployment), who are financially unqualified and/or disadvantaged with no employment, no income, no career, burn out, shall obtain sponsorship co-signing authority from our selected financial institutions to save and spend-money according to an established mandatory charitable investment arrangements or option). Member from the general public who can be qualified through our Wealth Creation Card Program may purchase the Wealth Creation Card from our Wealth Creation Bank to own for life and to leave and transfer a legacy (a gift) of wealth instead; instead of debts to love ones. 13) The Wealth Creation Trust Card: 1. The Wealth Creation Card shall be utilized as a Self Completing Wealth Creation and Preservation Tool which can create instant wealth as well as guaranteed future wealth when it self completes it’s monetary goal in the event of longevity, death, disability, and quitting ( or long-term unemployment). Our Wealth Creation Card is established as a Life Card that will work in tandem with all existing and forthcoming trust laws and vehicles originating and operating within the non profit sector and on behalf of non profit institutions nationally and internationally. Since 1980’s I have been planning with consumer financial service card’s working tandem with four major trusts in particular which are the Annuity trust, Unitrust, Pool Income Fund and the Charitable Lead trust. Consequently, with our Wealth Creation Trust Card, this inventor is offering a Mandatory Life Direct Deposit Self Completing Saving’s Program which offers diverse settlement options to the card holder as well as the love one’s of the card holder in the event of longevity (living to long), death (dying to soon), disability (permanently disabled mentally or physically), and quitting or long-term unemployment of the cardholders. 2. The card holder (settler) or loved ones can obtain monetary benefits as the income beneficiary or the remainder man; the card holder can transfer wealth to the next generation or transfer wealth by generations shipping to future generations. Thus, the outcome of the aforementioned is the ability of the card holder, to generate selected spending power and saving power based upon guaranteed and self completing instant and future wealth creations which always leaves a legacy of wealth instead of debts to future generations. The intrinsic guaranteed instant and future monetary value of a few dollars saved or spent can become infinite within the Wealth Creation Program can command and guarantee millions of dollars and a few thousand cardholders can command and generation trillions of dollars. Moreover, our self completing Wealth Creation Trust Card Program allows cardholders to utilize our card also as wealth conservation and/or preservation tool as well since it can eliminate income tax, estate tax and gift tax liabilities of the cardholders. To illustrate when a card holder owes one million dollars of income, estate or gift taxes, management can eliminate 100% of the tax liability owed by our card holder. 3. In addition, our self completing Wealth Creation Trust Card program can allow Cardholders to receive qualified charitable donation’s and charitable investments from all legal entities or sources; in other words, any person or entity that donates money or any other type of property on the Card holder’s Wealth Card may obtain a qualified charitable deduction from income taxes, estate taxes, or gift taxes. To this end, the Wealth Creation Trust Card shall be utilized as a self completing wealth creation/tax planning tool which can not only create guaranteed instant and future wealth but also can eliminate tax liability due upon the wealth to safeguard the conservation, growth, and preservation of the wealth so that more money may be transferred as a legacy of wealth to selected generations. The personal accumulated tax-free capital generated by predetermined annual direct deposits to the term period saving accounts (which are 5,10,15, 20, and 25 year periods etc.) and any accelerated instant wealth creation strategies, by corporate, private and government matching funds, by multiplying dollar strategies up to 20 times, by qualified charitable donations and investments, by the tax-free interest bearing Wealth Creation Saving Accounts can be used to create guaranteed and self-completing Power Saving Installment Arrangements and Power Spending Installment Arrangements on the Wealth Creation Card and from the Wealth Creation Bank Development Account. All personal or other capital accumulated tax free on behalf of a card holder shall be utilized to resolve all of the cardholders personal financial prerogatives and to personally and to personally financially empower the cardholders. The accumulated tax free capital saved shall be utilized as personal risk capital of the card holder to pursue long-term assets with high investment returns such as business ownership opportunities, commercial investment and residential property ownership opportunities, professional practices and/or career ownership opportunities, and (as a group of cardholders) they may purchase Employee Owned Corporate Ownership Opportunities. Some other financial services which shall be performed by the Wealth Creation Trust Card and Wealth Creation Bank are the following: 1. Match dollars for both saving power and spending power 2. Multiply dollars for both saving power and spending power. 3. Make contributions tax deductible and make accumulated. 4. Protect legally the monetary accumulations of the card holder within the saving account. 5. Obtain domestic as well as foreign government loans. 6. Secure emergency loans for qualified borrowers (cardholders) 7. Offer diverse term period saving plans for different purposes within the mandatory Life Saving Program. 8. Receive government grants and credit enhancement, corporate and government charitable donations and investments on behalf of a card holder. 9. Provide home ownership opportunities and provide estate packages for cardholders. 10. Provide sponsorship and co-signing authority so that card holder may purchase automobiles, furniture, recreational vehicles etc. 11. Provide professional business development services, management services, educational services, guidance, training, and supervision to ensure the success of the card holder. 12. Provide comprehensive dental care and/or medical care for the card holder. 13. Ensure that money continues to produce wealth in spite of the claims of creditors, and that the disabled and the mentally challenged are always protected and care for. 14. Turn bills (expenses) into assets since cardholders spend to pay bills they simultaneously save within the Wealth Creation Saving Trust Accounts and as others pay their bills using the cardholders Wealth Creation Cards, the cardholders develop accumulated savings. 15. Accumulate contributions from any legal source on behalf of the card holder to the individual development trust account and all contributions legally shall be strictly utilized to accomplish the cardholders self completing saving’s goal. 16. Provide instantly guaranteed present and future self completing saving’s goals for the cardholders in the event of longevity (living to long), death (dying too soon), disability (permanent physical or mental impairment, and quitting (or long term unemployment. 17. Adjust for Life, the Annual Income of the Card holder. Michael S Hendricks
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 22:33:18 +0000

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