LET YOUR FRUSTRATION PRODUCE RESULTS Response to: William J. - TopicsExpress


LET YOUR FRUSTRATION PRODUCE RESULTS Response to: William J. Green you take the position that Officer Wilson is being truthful you then decide to try and build a story around what you believe. His story was just that a story-tale, a fabricated series of events that didn’t occur as Officer Wilson details it. The occurrence of young African American males reaching for police officers guns is a rehearsed scenario set-aside for cases such as these. Murderer and Execution by white police officers, uniformed public servants who choose to police communities with a sense of power, force and indifference to human lives. And the only way to see it change is simply by this; Unless these Police Department and the overseers of these Law enforcement agencies collectively and systematically decide to take responsibility for these officers bad calls, bad behavior, poor tactics and abhorrent racial and prejudicial practices then these officers like your Darren Wilsons will continue to lie their way out of an indictment. These officers will lie their way thru a grand jury proceeding or a trial saying just about anything to save themselves from an indictment and the loss of their careers and way of life. But Just imagine a case like this one, (and the many others like it) imagine if the officer could say YES, I used poor judgment in this interaction with this individual, I overreacted, escalated the situation, allowed it to escalate to the point that I used eve poorer judgment and this is the result, and THEN the response from his employer (and the law) and the community at large is that well we get that this can happen, however, there will be a consequence for your actions. You will have to surrender your job, do a small amount of prison time 1-3 years,(or whatever time decided) during which time you will receive training and rehabilitation to get you to recognize why and how you came to take those actions you decidedly took on that day. And we will prepare you to handle these situations and the communities you serve differently and upon release and after completing some police re-training you can retain you law enforcement job. The truth of the matter is if when these officers make these bad decisions if they had another recourse for saving themselves and their jobs they might wouldn’t need to fabricate the lies they do to save themselves and their jobs. But our judicial systems are not set up for it. I doesnt mean that it cant be changed and set up to work that way. I believe that when these obviously racist cops take the lives of black and brown males, which for sure are done, in the heat of moment and are fueled by their racism and prejudices; but once the smoke clears and they realize they made a mistake in judgment and they begin to clearly see the reality of the circumstances, I wish to believe that they may even be a bit remorseful after realizing that they made a severe mistake by letting their own prejudices guide their actions during these moments. I for one would even consider this as Law; That these officers when shown to have policed in this manner and allowed their prejudices and perceived fear, their ego, and sense of power and arrogance blind their judgment, that if they could receive a considerably small amount of time for punishment of incarceration which would include cultural and racially sensitive rehab and retraining on proper policing practices and tactics then we may can see a substantial change in these type of incidents and I believe that along racial lines it could be acceptable for all. IT MIGHT SOUND IMPROBABLE TO DO BUT I BELIEVE IT IS THE SENSIBLE AND APPEASING FOR ALL INTEREST CONCERNED. BECAUSE BLACK AND WHITE PPL WON’T EVER BE ABLE TO WALK IN THE OTHERS SHOES.AND neither of us are going away either. So at best is to be honest about racism in this country and in the case of policing around this country let this be the start for how to turn around this type of policing of black citizens by predominately white police force.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 11:18:38 +0000

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