LETS ALL GET KICKED OUT OF SCHOOL FOR FAILING POVERTY 101Ok! Lets talk about all the lessons life has tried to teach you. Ever since you were little life has being trying to teach you how to fall down and get up ...and just when you though you had it right you fell down again, and again. You do every thing within your power to achieve seemingly easy goals -only to find that you have to grin your fingers to the bone only to result in utter failure. At all ages life lessons just dont seem to make common sense. Well my teachers at the University of Hard Knocks has concluded that I am no longer fit to remain a student of POVERTY 101. I have been withdrawn from the class for failing to remain poor. My teachers say... Get out of this class and do not ever return to this class again. You were such a promising student for a life long career in POVERTY. Now look at you! -I was expelled from POVERTY 101 and accused of taking up valuable space which could be occupied by someone who wanted to remain poor. This class is not for you ...and you are being kicked out of this class because seemingly, no matter how hard your teacher tried to teach you how to remain poor -you just keep rejecting the basic foundation of failure and poverty. There are some people who love poverty and will graduate to the highest level of impoverishment. But yesterday, I was told i could never return and was banded from even thinking about seeking a career in POVERTY... Get out of this class my life teacher told me GET OUT, GET OUT
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:50:09 +0000

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