LETS EXPLORE VACATION EAST BORNEO (BUMI ETAM) THE SYMPHONY OF PEACE History of east kalimantan east kalimantan has distinct historywith any other provinces in indonesia .it was the civilization pioneer in indonesia,marked by the eastablishment of kutai empire ,the oldest empire found in the country,which dated around 6 AD .kutai was situated at muara kaman district.with ots king named Mulawarman Nala dewa.the last descecdant of mulawarman is 25 th king of kutai empere,that is maharja derma setia,who lived around 12th century .at the time the name of kindom was changed into kutaiing martapura. as the regeme started to falldown,some newempire flourised at the same moment.there was kutai kartenegara empirein jaeten layar (nrwadays this is the partold kutai) there also were gunung Tabur empire and sambaliung empire(berau) Tanjung pelas empire (bulungan)and sandurangas empire (paser) all of those empires ruled their own areas in peace for year,at least until neterland came and started in invade East kalianatnin 1844 nterlands colonial goverment founded the federatin of east kalimantan,which consisted of four empires in that area. when the repoblik of indonesia was established on agust 17 th 1945 this fedaratio of east kaliantan also joined the state an indeed ,the peoplethemselve chose the same option .at the time of the post independence struggling ,the people of East kalimantanalso fought to the retain the country independene,this was marked by sanga sanga incident( januari 1947)which was better knowen as merah putih incident after a transition priod of Government turned to be East kalimantan province (januari 1956),finally the federation turned to be East kalimantan province januari 1957 wich is consisted of 4 districts Kutai berau bulungan and Paser and 2 cities Samarinda and Blikpapan .after experiencing some extensions the east kalimantan profince now days had 10 districts east kuati west kutai paser utara berau bulungan malinau nunukan tana tidung and 4 cities Samarinda Balikpapan bulungan bontang and tarakan torist guidebook wonderful east kalimantan colorfulof culture and nature. FLORA AND FAUNA East Kalimantan Possesseswide range of lora and fauna some of them area as follows flora black orchid ,balikpapanginger ,kantong semar (nephentes sp ulin wood irron strongst .melak durian lia durian cempedak ,lhau ,honey ,there more others raound ininalnd places fauna orang utan ,honey bear ,buceros rin
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 11:44:59 +0000

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