LETS GO INTO THE WORD.......... LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND! WATCH WHO YOU STEP OVER AND LOOK OVER...... EVERYONE DOESNT START AT TH FRONT....... MANY START IN THA BACK. BUT GOD CAN TURN ANY SITUATION AROUND. WHILE THE BODY IS FIGHTING ITSELF SOME ONE IS BEING OVER-LOOKED. WHILE PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING OVER THIS AND THAT SOMEONE CAN BE HEALED AND CAN CHANGE THEIR LIVES........ BUT.......... Acts 3:2, 6-10 New King James Version (NKJV) A Lame Man Healed 2 And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple; 6 Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” 7 And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. 8 So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and praising God. 9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God. 10 Then they knew that it was he who sat begging alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. IF YOURE ONLY LOOKING FOR A HAND OUT....... AND NOT A HAND UP!! WHERE IS GOD IN THAT? JESUS DIDNT DIE FOR YOU TO NEVER GET BETTER OR NEVER DO BETTER! GOD CAME FOR YOU TO HAVE LIFE AND HAVE A LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY!! THUS IF YOU WERE LIVING A BAD LIFE, WHEN GOD COMES INTO YOUR LIFE HE CAN CHANGE THE LIFE OF THE THE ONE. THE NO ONE GAVE THE LEAST AMOUNT OF ATTENTION!! THATS WHY IT DOESNT MATTER WHO YOU ARE WHEN I MET YOU, I TREAT YOU JUST LIKE THE CHILD OF GOD YOU ARE. AND A LOT OF TIME YOU HAVE TO BLOCK OUT THE NOISE OF THIS WORLD........ TO HEAR THEM AND TO SEE THEM. SAVE THE LOST...... AT ANY COST. BECAUSE GOD GAVE HIS ALL. AND SO MANY STILL DENY IT...... HMMMMMM. TEACH BISHOP......youtu.be/85znaZMtxVM
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:23:46 +0000

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