LETS GO!.. THE ALL NEW POWDERPAK INDOOR SNOWPARK is about to open!!.. BALLISTYX SNOWBOARD COACHING IS COMING! You may have never heard of it, never seen it but take our word, this setup is awesome! Professionally built and run it provides an amazing opportunity for snowboarders in Melbourne. Get a group of your mates, MAKE A BOOKING and get down and have the most amount of fun for the least amount of money you’ll have anywhere.. WHY IS POWDERPAK SO GOOD? So you want to get better at snowboarding, you rock up to the park on the mountain, it can be intimidating, you slide off the side of the feature, miss the next one and by the time you catch the lift back up there goes 20 minutes. At PowderPak you can get 30 runs in no time at all. REMEMBER.. the snow and PowderPak is only a means to get to the feature. At PowderPak you can really dial in your tricks and remember there is no more consistent surface than PowderPak! For those of you who are new to snowboarding or wanted to learn to do tricks but never had the opportunity Steve the owner of Ballistyx and Nick Fergus the owner of PowderPak have been talking on how best to utilise this great facility and Ballistyx will be offering special coaching sessions with its Team Riders for its customers where you can come and learn how to ride rails, boxes, slide. Spin, press or whatever you want in a safe environment and when you get to the snow the park will no longer be intimidating…Ballistyx will have details over the coming couple of weeks on our new website and facebook.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 00:29:11 +0000

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