LETS LEAVE POLITICS AND TALK THE SCRIPTURE: TITHING The Lord hasnt only ordained me to be a conscience to the nation and a navigator unto many. He has equally ordered and called me to be light of the world and finally a WORLD CHANGER. I have participated in forums where important issues about society, religion, family, crime, education and other diverse issues were importantly handled. Of all these issues I mentioned I have come to identify the two most important of them ; the family and religion, and if I am asked why, my spontaneous response will be that the family is the most important aspect of the society and we all know that Charity they say begins at home and about religion, its the medium through which human being communicates with GOD. Im an apostle or let me put it this way, a lover of selective reading of some portions of the bible. I have my interest in some particular parts of both the old and new testament. I dont know what on earth will make me open the bible and read the book of revelation not because I hate it but simply because I so much dread the revelation which GOD showed John the Beloved. Some people too will never read the book of job because of the fear that its filled with curses. Lol. Im a person with great interest for the gospel and the spiritual instructions of the Lord either as stated in the holy bible or has pronounced by Gods chosen vessels, the prophets or pastors. Dont mind my long introduction to the subject of discourse. The issue of payment is a very important aspect of the Christian faith and its gradually becoming an issue also being hijacked by the devil to divide the body of Christ and rob the children of God of their Gods ordained blessings for them. There have been various opinions about TITHING, some of these positions is that since the destruction of the temple which served as a base for the Levites, thereby trauncating the Leviticus order of working in the temple and relying on the tithes and offering brought. The second position is that since Jesus Christ has come and died for us, he becomes our High Priest, therefore nobody is deemed fit to receive tithes anymore. The third and the most interesting of these positions is that the church founders are getting more wealth from the money and materials brought. I once asked some of my friends that can you do what some of these pastors are doing or have done to incure the unquenchable desire of God to bless them? I know of a pastor who emptied his bank account for the work of gospel, I know of another one who gave out $10 million for the construction of the house of God, I know of one whom I worked closely with, whose joy is just to take care of the helpless and the homeless guys on the streets. I know of an Alhaji whose joy is going around looking for where they are building churches and mosques just for the purpose of contributing, when he was asked why he likes doing that, his swift response was. DO YOU WANT GOD TO WITHDRAW HIS BLESSINGS FROM MY LIFE? My friends and readers please try to read about the J.D RockeFeller, it may interest you. The first tither was Abraham in Genesis 14:20 , and today we sing and dance ABRAHAMS BLESSINGS AND MINE...... Further we have very strong instructions of the LORD through the Prophets Isaiah and Malachi to mention some. In Isaiah 43:23-, Thou hast not brought me of thy sheep for burnt-offerings ;neither hast though honoured me with your sacrifices. Malachi 3:10, bring us the whole tihte into the store-house, and prove me if I will not open you the Windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it Since the outbreak of penticostalism in Christianity, there have emerged various forms of teachings and ChristianitIES. Some Christians opin that God no longer needs us to tihte, please if you belong to this group of people, think otherwise and if your church teaches that God doesnt want you to do it anymore, you need to flee from such teaching. Apostle Paul in his various letters to the churches appreciated those of them who blessed him and counsel those who didnt. Philipians 4:15, 1cor. 9:15-18 etc. Finally, the bible says in Mattew 24:24, for false messiah and prophets will arise. ............ if possible even to deceive the elect. 1 Timothy 4:1 the spirit clearly says that in the later times some will abandon the Faith and follow deceiving spirits and things TAUGHT by Demons. The new knowledge that TITHING isnt of new testament and optional for believers is a subtle way employed by the devil to rob believers of their Gods given position and blessings. Akorede itunu Dallas, Texas 01/22/2015
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:20:34 +0000

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