LETS LOOK AT NATIONALS APPALLING JOB CREATION AND UNEMPLOYMENT RECORD !! The graph below shows New Zealand unemployment data from 1999 through to 2014. Helen Clarks Labour government steadily reduced unemployment between 1999 - 2008, down to just 3.5%. Under John Keys National government, between 2008-2014 unemployment doubled to 7% in 2009/2010 and rose as high as 7.5% in 2013. It is now sitting at around 6%. So, even with this Rock Star economy, and with people (rather fortunately for a Govt that has created NO jobs) either employed in the re-building of Christchurch, or tens of thousands buggering off to find work in Australia, our unemployment rate is STILL almost DOUBLE that from when National took over from a well managed and fiscally responsible Labour government ! ...and dont believe Nationals bleating about the Global Financial Crisis - we all know that the GFC ended YEARS AGO, and they cant use it for an excuse any more. To make matters worse, National completely fudge the figures. For example, if you work JUST ONE HOUR a week, you come off the unemployment stats ! Just think about how many people you know who are just working casual hours, part-time hours, who cant find full time permanent work, and who are working for a pathetic minimum wage of less than $15 per hour ! Can you imagine how much worse this would get under another 3 years of Nationals slash and burn policies? DONT BELIEVE JOHN KEYS PROPAGANDA - VOTE FOR MORE REAL JOBS, AND A LIVING WAGE - VOTE NATIONAL OUT NOW ! [Please feel free to share far and wide]
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 07:42:35 +0000

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