LETS PASS THIS ACROSS THE PROVINCE!! #OpTakeNSPowerBack !!!ATTENTION!!! I AM COUNTING ON EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU! I have not Done an OP As Important as this one I NEED YOU GUYS to all Help ME SHARE THE Shit out of this! PLEASE I am Mostly Counting on Brothers and Sisters Here in #NOVASCOTIA We NEED you to Back us To make something come of it It is time to STOP NOVA SCOTIA POWER IN THEIR TRACKS! Strength in numbers We can better our futures we must Work together !! PLEASE RE-Share It is time to Take back our POWER! Link to FB Groups Are Listed Below!!!!----------VV OP Event Page- https://facebook/events/780116138726317/ Time for Nova Scotians to stand up to Nova Scotia Power Group Page! -https://facebook/groups/1412320115717293/ @CBC CTV News CTV Atlantic News VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Greetings Citizens of Nova Scotia... We are Anonymous. For too long we have closely watched as Nova Scotians have struggled with there power bills. We have watched as they have had to make tough choices between power, food, heat, mortgages, and other costs of living. We have watched them beg for mercy. We have seen small business close their doors to seek a more affordable and practical location to operate from.... At ever increasing rates Nova Scotians are fleeing our beautiful province, their homes, their families...to find work in other parts of the country... Anonymous is not happy to see single parents, seniors, students ...and those living with disabilities make cruel and uncalled for sacrifices in order to continue lining your pockets... Nova Scotia Power and Mister Stephen McNeil... you have not been listening to the people whom you serve. You have not been answering some very important questions...So, Now.. Anonymous has some questions for you too.... Nova Scotia has had enough. It is now time for you to take note of our demands.... 1...Cooperate with the people of Nova Scotia to find a reasonable and balanced rate... 2...Commit to not disconnecting Nova Scotians who are unable to pay their outrageous power bills... 3...Commit to actual, not estimated usage charges on all NS Power bills... 4...Commit to a 5 year wage freeze for all corporate members including cutting corporate kickbacks and CEO bonuses... 5...Stop blocking citizens from posting on your social media pages...and respond to there emails...transparency is of the utmost importance. 6...Come clean to Nova Scotia... We have information that will confirm this corruption and more coming to us every day... This video is being viewed by the nine hundred thousand citizens of Nova Scotia, the 5000 members of the Stand up To Nova Scotia Power Facebook group ...as well as Anonymous hives,world wide...And We intend to make an example of you... We are here to take the power back. Consider yourself warned... We are Anonymous... We are Legion... We do not for give... We do not forget... MacNeil, Nova Scotia Power, You must have expected us...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 16:38:33 +0000

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