LETS STOP THEM FROM CHANGING THE CONSTITUTION * Let us see how many lawyers will be there at the August 25, 2014 multi-sector expression of disgusts to attempts to change the Constitution. I know that they are the most naive professionals in so far as political issues are concerned. * The congressional allies are moving fast to amend the Basic Law for the purpose of removing the Supreme Courts power to take and decide on all acts of the Executive and the Legislative that are tainted with grave abuse of discretion, and for the purpose of removing the one-term-election limit for any person elected as President. * Despite his insistence to keep the DAP, I still believe Nonoy is still a good President, much better than Marcos, Cory, Ramos, Erap and Gloria combined. * But I have an indispensable moral duty of defending the Constitution as it is now, particularly the term limits for elected officials and the express giving of power to review all official actions tainted with grave abuse of discretion. * Remember that the political landscape in the Philippines has radically been changed by that term limits and the power of the Supreme Court to take cognizance all complaints of grave abuse of discretion. * While dynastic system is still alive and kicking in many local territories due to the use of money to secure big votes directly or indirectly, it cannot be denied that several dynasties were crushed because of the three-term limit and it cannot be denied either that in situations where dynasties were kept intact there were changes in ideas due to the fact that some of the children of three-termers happened to have better minds than their dynastic parents. * The power of the Court to act on grave abuse of discretion pave the way for the Supreme Court to have full authority to declare the menacing PDAF and DAP as unconstitutional. * One more reason why I insist the One-Term limit for President must be defended is the fact of life that power tends to corrupt even a good person and this term limit is a protection of the people against abuse and abscesses by the highest official of the land. * So that I am URGING ALL FELLOW LAWYERS and NON-LAWYERS to once again MAKE OUR VOICES TO BE HEARD LOUDLY. * Let us join the August 25, 2014 CIVIC DUTY. * You may read this Inquirer story at this link: newsinfo.inquirer.net/632137/lawyers-court-workers-to-beef-up-rizal-park-rally#ixzz3BGcUWe85
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 03:29:22 +0000

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