LETTER 10-turtle-MOTHER EARTH (SHAMANIC LETTERS) turtle ... Great - TopicsExpress


LETTER 10-turtle-MOTHER EARTH (SHAMANIC LETTERS) turtle ... Great mother, feed my spirit and warm my heart so that I can serve it too ... (Jamie Sams). Comments: in the teachings of American Indians, the turtle is the oldest symbol of the planet Earth. Is the embodiment of the power of the goddesses and also of the eternal Mother, from which derive from our lives. We were born from the bowels of the Earth and our bodies to resume her solo when we die. The turtle in the alert to the need to honor the Earth and respect the need to give and receive, giving to the Earth what it received. The turtle has a shell similar to that employed for millennia by the Earth to protect the desecrations of which is victim. The protection of mother earth is manifested in changes that occur on its surface, in earthquakes, volcanic activity, which brings out new portions of land, and on climate change. Just like the tortoise, you also have shells that protect from envy, jealousy, abuse and the unconscious alien. The totem of the turtle teaches him, by their behavior patterns, namely to protect themselves. If you are being bothered by the words and actions of others, it is time to collect inside her Shell to honor their own feelings. If youre being bullied, its time to demonstrate that you do not intend to accept these attacks passively. Its time to launch a warning sign. If you took the letter from Turtle, is a sign that youre being invited to honour the healing source that exists in its interior, to seek a greater connection with the Earth, and to observe its own current situation with maternal compassion. Use the energies of Earth and water – the two abodes of Turtle-to view your present situation of life flowing harmoniously and to plant your feet firmly on the ground in a place of power. The turtle is an excellent teacher of the art of finding a greater connection with the Earth. Using the healing power of the turtle, you will be able even to overcome their tendency to live in the clouds. Learning to keep your feet on the ground, you will be able to better focus their thoughts and their actions, learning to relax, slow down and find the peace that will enable the realization of his ideals. With his proverbial calmness, the turtle warns of the risk of trying to rush into the current of the river. The harvested corn ahead of time does not reach the fullness, but if you let him mature at their own pace, he will develop enough and will serve as food for a larger number of people. The turtle buries his thoughts in the sand, as it does with their eggs, leaving the Sun to shock them. This teaches her to mature their ideas before you let them see the light. Remember the old fable of the Hare and the tortoise and decide for yourself if you will align with the turtle or with your opponent. Be big, strong and fast are not necessarily the best requirements for achieving a goal, because when you get to your goal may ask you where you were, and you may not be able to answer that question. In this case, reach the finish line prematurely can make him feel very immature. Follow the flow of the river currents. If you took out the letter of the turtle, it is a harbinger of a period in which you will have a greater connection with the power of the Earth and Mother goddess who resides in its interior. No matter where you go, if you ask for help to the Mother Goddess she solve your problem and will bring abundance into your life. Extracted from the book Letters-the discovery of Shamanic power through the Power of animals (by Jamie Sams and David Carson) . REFLECTION: learn from the Earth and respect it, that is the proposal of this power animal. The moment of communion with nature, to do everything with calm, your time, no rush. In this case, the energy involved suggests a time to plant and a time to reap, recognizing that all your timing. Dedication, patience and commitment are its truths. A good time to move in a garden, walking barefoot in direct contact with the soil, planting, harvesting, to lie down in the grass. The tortoise in his lengthy teaches us that everything comes at the right time and that we should not rush into anything. But, dedication and persistence in seeking a reinstatement with the great mother in respect to all species and also to the own planet Earth. Refers to our resistance, our hard shell when dealing with certain situations. Protection is one of your key words. And longevity and tolerance. Prosperity is possible in the exercise of power and confidence in his own ability. Giancarlo Kind Schmid (7/30/2014).
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 08:07:33 +0000

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