LETTER FROM ALUMNI PRESIDENT FROSTY KEELER On Oct. 4th at apx. 10:30 - 45 a tornado passed over Burbank causing damage to buildings and trees. It started by blowing out the north side of Larry Goads barn a half mile west of town, then took off the entire west half of the Burbank Alumni-Community center building. It also did minor damage to some buildings down town, Broke over several trees took out a bunch of limbs, including one that dropped on the cab of Mr. Fowlers new pickup. A big thanks goes out to the Mayor Craig Thomason and Carol for calling Garry Moore soon as they saw our roof land in their trees. Garry, Minnie and their grand daughter Immediately left to check out the damage, sent out a call for help, and started removing pictures from the west half of the building, upon arrival found they had all pictures except one that was nailed, I removed it and 4 basketball plaques that were screwed to the wall. The town employee arrived with tools and we removed the plaques, moved the piano, the p.a. speaker and amplifier and all the records from the office. Every thing was saved with only very minor dampness to a couple items. we finished around midnight wet as drowned rats. Saturday morning I had Harriet call Bonnie Bonner, Jackie Bohon, Les and Lu Keeler, was unable to contact Piccola, I contacted Larry Kothe and then headed for Burbank. Larry was there when I arrived, we started disassembling the roof. later Bonnie, Bud and Harriett, Gary, Minnie and Harley, Ruth Thiele (thanks for bringing lunch fixings you save our bellies), Jackie Bohon arrived and by mid afternoon they had all the wet ceiling tile cleaned up and piled in the center aisle, Tables and chairs cleaned and stacked in the east half of the building. Craig, Carol, Deputy Barnett spent the day helping dismantle the roof. Deputy Barnett contacted Sheriff Cook and made arrangement for a crew of trustees to come over Tuesday to load the tree debris and help with dissembling the rest of roof that we pulled flat onto school property so screws could be reached. Sunday I brought my tractor with frontend loader to pull the roof around and load the tree and ceiling debris next Tuesday into the dump truck that Berry Keeler loaned us. We cut up all the tree limbs into hand able sizes. Later today (Monday) Berry will bring up his man lift to give the surviving roof structure a close up inspection. we have contacted a person that builds pole barns and steel roofs on houses. he will be here today or Tuesday morning to give us an estimate on repairs. I hope I did not leave any one out that helped. We owe a big thanks to every one that helped so far and will be helping in the next few days. Les hope you get to feeling better soon. Frosty Keeler
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 03:19:40 +0000

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