LETTER FROM GOD Today I visited almost every church on the planet - TopicsExpress


LETTER FROM GOD Today I visited almost every church on the planet but there were few that actually welcomed me in. They were very (pre-occupied) trying to recruit people, build youth programs, and do other things. All this is only good if they let me in, but most churches were just to busy. They are busy trying to fulfill their (agendas). For example, I was ready to bless my people but I had to wait for the worship team to finish a 30-minute performance. When I asked why I had to wait to give my own word in my church, a trustee said, wait! “God is a God of order.” I said, I AM GOD! But the trustee of the church continued, “let me ask Pastor. I said to the trustee, ‘Are you not one of my children that you seek guidance from another man? I AM GIVING THE WORD because I AM GOD! But the man insisted that the worship team must finish and that Pastor must be notified. The music of the worship team used my name but was driven by secular spirits. It actually bothered my ears because they claimed to be praising me. But I would have been much more satisfied if they had listened to the word that I have to say. Their music triggers the same emotion in my people that rock-in-roll does in the people who are not of me. I myself see that these so called worshipers have not changed. So what good is this music you call worship? I also knew that many of the people leading these songs were living the exact opposite lifestyle that I want them to live. They are divorcing their wives and leaving their homes for the sake of playing music. Their children will have a worse outcome than the so-called children of darkness. But children of this world did not hear my voice. But the singers in the church did and therefore they do not have an excuse. What shocked me the most is when I got ready to give a word to the churches, they told me that they were waiting for a prophet who was coming from another church in two weeks. I wondered why they were waiting for a special speaker when I was right there. I also gave the word to a maintenance lady in that church. Its because she actually listened to me. And she listened to me while cleaning the toilets in the Pastors private 3rd floor office Not even the pastor knows the things that I said to this woman. The pastor was too busy getting mixed into things that only I can attend to such as counseling my people, directing their marriages, their worship, and their belief. His own desire to be in charge of everything was more than his desire to see people follow me. He actually criticizes people when they leave his building, as if I (God) am not enough building or not enough of a counselor for them. I have already put my word in the mouth of babes but the pastors have done like Saul. They are gifted people who fight with their own strategies. The pastors are high and mighty. They do not share their testimonies but they ask the people to share their shame. Pastors do not receive correction from people but they give it daily. They do not get summoned into anyone’s office, but they summon others into theirs. They are the ones who prevent me more than anything else. Therefore I (The Chief Overseer and Bishop of Souls) have chosen to empty out the church! Not my people, but their brick buildings and their programed hearts. From this day forward, those who really follow me will gather under the pretense and unction of my-own-voice. They will hear me whenever I speak and they will not quench me for the sake of their churchly order. And since I am not welcome in my own church, I will not call these churches mine at all. They will and have already been given to satin. He now has anointed preachers who know my words but they do not know my son Christ. They do not know my sons and daughters. They do not know you…you are my beloved family. DO NOT SUBJECT YOURSELVES TO MEN IN BUILDINGS. -I the Lord your God, Love You!
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:50:31 +0000

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