LETTER OF PROTEST AGAINST YOUR ANTI-PARTY ACTIVITIES FROM ADO EKITI & IREPODUN-IFELODUN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREAS, EKITI CENTRAL FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY 1, EKITI STATE. Hon. Michael Opeyemi Bamidele National Assembly Three Arms Zone Abuja Sept 2, 2013. Dear Hon. Opeyemi Bamidele, LETTER OF PROTEST AGAINST YOUR ANTI-PARTY ACTIVITIES FROM ADO EKITI & IREPODUN-IFELODUN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREAS, EKITI CENTRAL FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY 1, EKITI STATE. We the entire members of the All Progressive Congress (APC) Wards A and B Iyin Ekiti (your home town) in Irepodun/Ifelodun Local Government Area, Irepodun/Ifelodun and Ado-Ekiti Local Government Areas which make up Ekiti Central Federal Constituency I, wish to express our dissatisfaction about the quality of your representation on our behalf at the House of Representative, Abuja. Our protest has a lot to do with your idiosyncrasies which run contrary to our expectations when we elected you two years ago. When we first saw your book, ‘Meet MOB: The Change Agent’, we believed such a book of lies could not have emanated from you. However, when we read your interview in The Tribune of July 13 2013, The Vanguard of July 19, 2013, and lately your so called account of stewardship to unsuspecting members of Ekitiparapo Association in Lagos on Sunday, July 14, 2013 where you repeated the same lies as contained in the book, we confirmed that you were the author of the book. In the Tribune interview you said, “I have tried to influence projects to Ekiti; even in my own constituency alone, I tried 33 different projects to Ekiti in the 2012 budget. And in the 2013 budget, an additional 27 projects – that is 60 different projects in two years”. We were shocked that you could claim ownership of such a compilation of deceit in terms of your claims of executing constituency projects, attracting sixty (60) projects to Ekiti State and empowerment of members of your constituency. You have also caused these lies to be circulated on the social media by your agents. We are not surprised that you have chosen such fora to give your account of stewardship where you served them beautifully packaged lies which you know they cannot puncture because they are far away from home. You ignore members of your constituency who voted for you and rather chose your own select group of people who you gave your fake account of stewardship. 1. Without mincing words, we wish to tell you categorically that you have not represented us well despite the overwhelming support we gave you through our votes in 2011. In your book, you listed fifty-seven (57) projects that you have executed, which you divided into two- 2012 having thirty-three (33) projects, while 2013 comprised of twenty-four (24) This has risen up to 60 according to your latest interview. Out of this 57 or 60, we have discovered many spurious projects you claimed to have completed whereas they only existed on paper. You also reiterated these lies during your account of stewardship at the Ekitiparapo forum in Lagos where you gleefully said you have attracted many projects to Ekiti State but the truth of the matter is that you are lying. We challenge you to name a single project you have attracted to Ekiti in the last two years. 2. To further confuse your constituents and the unsuspecting public about your questionable projects, you categorized the projects into completed, on-going, awarded and not-awarded. You also went further to copy projects in the Appropriation Act of 2012 and 2013 which you presented as completed projects. However, most of the projects you listed as completed, on-going, awarded and not awarded are non-existent while all the projects you copied from the Appropriation Act of 2013 are nowhere to be found in Ekiti yet, you dubiously listed the projects as part of your 57/60 completed projects in your book of lies and in your interview. 3. After a thorough inspection of your purported completed and on-going project sites as contained in your book, we wish to expose your lies to the unsuspecting members of the public by stating below: i. On Page 31, project no 23, your claim of provision of 300KVA Transformer at Okelawe qtrs, Iyin-Ekiti is false there is no transformer there. This is a 2012 project according to you. Similarly, your claim of construction of a library with furnishing in Iyin Ekiti is also not true. ii. On Page 32, project no 29; your claim of provision of borehole at Oniropora Palace in Iropora Ekiti is false. When the monarch was contacted to confirm this, he said there was nothing of such in the town let alone the palace and he challenged you to come and show the whole world where you sited it in the town. This is also a completed 2012 project according to you. iii. Similarly, your claim on Page 30, project no 20, about the construction of ICT and Vocational Training Centre at Ado-Ekiti Local Government Secretariat as a 2012 project is false as nothing like such has ever been in existence in the Secretariat. In fact, workers of the LG Secretariat are waiting for you to show them where you built it. iv. Your claim on Page 32, project no 28, about the provision of 4km of conventional street lights by Ministry of Lands & Housing is a fluke as it does not exist anywhere as no street, town or Local Government is mentioned. v. You installed 30 electric poles inside Igede but they are not connected to any Electricity since 2012. The poles are there as mere decoration and yet you refer to this as a completed project. vi. In order to further confuse your constituents on page 28 of the book, Project no 2, you cited the construction of motorized borehole at Ado, Irepodun/Ifelodun, & Ekiti West as an ongoing project but you did not mention which street, town and Local Government the projects are located. This is not only dubious but fraudulent because Ekiti West is not part of your Constituency. This means you don’t know where your constituency begins and ends. Your constituency is only Ado and Irepodun/ Ifelodun LGAs! vii. Your claim on Page 31, No 22, about the construction of High & Low Tension lines at Oke-Ila & Adebayo and installation of Transformers in these areas are lies. There is neither construction of high and low tension lines nor installation of any transformer in the areas mentioned. No wonder you deliberately omitted the number of transformers purportedly installed. viii. Your claim about the provision of Water Borehole at Olorunsogo Area of Ado-Ekiti is also another lie. ix. Your claim of provision of a Health Centre in Igbemo-Ekiti is not only a lie, but ridiculous. The people of that community are eagerly waiting for you to show them where the project is located. x. In your attempt to further bamboozle your constituents and impress the unsuspecting public, you repeated many projects twice in the book. For instance, project No 20, on page 30 was repeated again on page 31, as project no 25 under Energy Commission of Nigeria (Ministry of Power). None of the two is in existence. This is fraudulent! xi. We also wonder why you listed many projects which you categorized as “not awarded” when the projects actually did not exist anywhere, yet these are projects you counted and arrived at a fictitious figure of 57. xii. The few hand pump boreholes you dug in such communities as Aba Igbira , along Afao Road, Igbemo Ekiti, Alawo’s palace in Awo-Ekiti and Igbogun in Ado-Ekiti all packed up within two weeks after commissioning over a year ago and have remained dry ever since. To make matters worse, your contractors duped the poor people of the communities of thousands of naira which they took under the pretence of coming back to repair the boreholes but vamoose into thin air. You will not know this because you hardly visit your constituency! xiii. Your claim of empowering over 800 widows, senior citizens, youth, women folks, students and others, which you told the Ekitiparapo in Lagos, is like your other false claims which is in the realm of self-conceitedness as those you claimed to have empowered only exist on pages of newspapers and probably in your dreams. They simply don’t exist! Perhaps you were referring to your loyalists whom you have turned to rebels in the ward Exco of the party across the state and to whom you dole out handouts to destabilize the party. This is no empowerment but destabilization. xiv. Your above claim of empowerment has suddenly jolted us into holding you accountable to your pre-election promise of donating your monthly salary for the empowerment of members of your constituency. You have not donated your salary in the last two years yet, you still go about saying your salary is meant for the empowerment of your constituency members. The only time you came to your constituency to do a semblance of empowerment was three months into your tenure in 2011 when you distributed a token to your hangers-on in Iyin–Ekiti. We challenge you to produce evidence that you donated your salary and the people you have empowered with same, thank God, it is a world of Freedom of Information so we know how much a Member of House of Representatives earns monthly. xv. Perhaps you didn’t know a day like this will come hence you would not have published pictures of Law students from Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Osun and many other states who came for constitutional review as those you empowered in your constituency. The students are already asking you to come out and say what you have empowered them with. This has further confirmed that you are a convoluted and pathological liar who has neither scruples nor an iota of conscience! xvi. The so called ICT Centre which you claimed cost a whooping N32 million naira has been taken over by bushes and reptiles and you claimed this is ready for use. We have shown pictures of this to the world to expose your wicked lies! 4. Your colleague, Hon. Oyetunde Ojo, who represents Ekiti Central Federal Constituency II whose constituency comprises 33 wards, has touched the lives of the people in these wards. Your constituency has only 24 wards, yet rather than think up meaningful projects in these areas, you had rather created non-existent projects. 5. Another Colleague of yours Hon. Bimbo Daramola who represents Ekiti North Federal Constituency II whose constituency has 24 wards has impacted so positively on members of his constituency in all the wards such that he has become a household name in his constituency. He has also executed verifiable projects there. 6. Similarly, Hon. Ifeoluwa Arowosoge representing Ekiti South Federal Constituency I whose constituency has 32 wards did his empowerment in the full glare of party leaders across Ekiti State and his empowerment cuts across his constituency. His projects are available for all to see. 7. The remaining House of Representatives members from Ekiti State who are your colleagues, Hon. Robison Ajiboye and Hon.Bamidele Faparusi have also impacted positively through their remarkable empowerment of members of their constituencies and we can see their projects. We therefore wonder why you are the only member of the National Assembly (NASS) who has done your own empowerment and executed your own projects on the pages of newspapers and social media. You have also consistently been at variance with other members of NASS on issues that bother on the development of Ekiti State as well as the direction of the party on the 2014 election. 8. On December 30, 2012 all A C N party leaders, elected officials at all levels, Exco members, other top government officials and party members converged at the Iyin-Ekiti residence of the first Executive Governor of Ekiti State and National leader of APC, His Excellency, Otunba Niyi Adebayo to endorse Governor Kayode Fayemi for second term in office. You were the only one who did not attend and who did not agree to the adoption. 9. Your immediate reaction was to make a public statement in the dailies where you rejected the adoption and also rejected the newly democratically elected Ward and Local Government Excos in the two wards in Iyin-Ekiti, in Irepodun/Ifelodun Local Government as well as across the 16 Local Governments. You went ahead to mobilize and set up parallel Ward Executives called MOB Special Excos. These illegal Executive members of yours have turned themselves to the agents of disunity in the two wards of Iyin-Ekiti. You have been empowering them in cash and kind. During Ileya and Xmas festivals, all rice and cash meant for the wards were shared by your illegal group. 10. Shortly after you rejected the constitutionally constituted Ward and Local Government Excos, we found out on Monday 31st December, 2012, that your posters with inscription, “MOB for Governor” under the platform of Labour Party (LP) were pasted all over the State! 11. In December 2012, you sent your thugs led by one Tunde Laulau to forcibly retrieve the bus you donated to the party in Irepodun/Ifelodun Local Government because the State Party Executive refused to recognize your own cronies whom you appointed as a parallel Exco at the Local and Ward levels. 12. On March 30, 2013, during the 75th birthday anniversary of your town’s Monarch, Oba Ademola Ajakaye, the Oluyin of Iyin Ekiti, you sent your rough necks to disrupt the event by circulating inciting leaflets against your own party and its leaders while you conspicuously stayed away from the remarkable event. 13. In April 2013, you were quoted in some National Dailies accusing your own party, the A C N of thuggery when you alleged that you were attacked in Igede-Ekiti, but in actual fact, the fracas was caused by the rough necks who always accompany you whenever you are in Ekiti-State. 14. It is also on record that you were against the monthly Social Security Scheme in which 20,000 of our elderly are beneficiaries of N5, 000 naira. However, this programme, because of its uniqueness, is now being emulated by some states of the Federation including Osun and lately Bayelsa. 15. We have incontrovertible evidence that you have been holding nocturnal anti-party meetings with chieftains of Labour and PDP within and outside the State where you run down A C N leaders and plan with the outsiders to destabilize your own party. 16. More worrisome is the fact that, since you were elected into the Federal House of Representatives, you have deliberately been absent from Dr. Kayode Fayemi’s laudable programmes while representatives from other Federal Constituencies in Ekiti State are always in attendance. You always gave excuses for your absence. We shall give an instance of this: i. In October 2012, despite the fact that you were in Iyin-Ekiti when His Excellency, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, commissioned rural electrification project in Odo-Uro, Erelu Angela motherless home, Iyin/Awo road, renovation of Eyemote Comprehensive High School all in Iyin-Ekiti, you deliberately kept yourself off. Rather, you used the opportunity to hold a meeting with your loyalists where you openly declared that you have drawn a battle line with Mr. Governor. 17. On Friday July 5, 2013 you misrepresented the July 3rd, directive of the national leaders of the ACN, Chief Bisi Akande ,Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, Oyunba Niyi Adebayo, Evan Bamidele Olumilua and Alhaji Lai Mohammed in Ado-Ekiti 2013 that you should drop your ambition to contest the gubernatorial elections in 2014. You misinformed the public that the leaders never said so and could not have said so. 18. On Saturday July 6, 2013 at your Bibiire office, and in defiance of the directive of the National leaders of the ACN that you should drop your ambition of contesting against Governor Fayemi, you declared in Ado-Ekiti, your intention to contest the gubernatorial election in Ekiti State in 2014. You did not stop at this declaration; you also said nobody could stop you from contesting. This was reported in The Punch and The Nation of Sunday, July 7, 2013. 19. During your declaration on Saturday July 6, you did not only verbally disparage Asiwaju Tinubu and Chief Bisi Akande, you also distributed leaflets titled, ‘MOB vs Asiwaju Tinubu who wins?’ where you called them unprintable names and described them as meddlesome interlopers. . At the Bibiire event, you also distorted what Asiwaju Tinubu said at Jibowu Hall Ado-Ekiti, that the Leadership of the ACN in Ekiti should look into the issue of your 85-year-old father who was replaced by the members of the party in Ward B, Iyin Ekiti on account of his old age and not that the whole party Exco at all levels should be reversed. I. In the evening of Sunday July 7, 2013, you held a meeting with Mr. Dayo Adeyeye, a gubernatorial candidate of the PDP, Chief Afolabi Ojuawo and some Ondo State Chieftains of the Labour Party where you have concluded plans to work with their coalition to defeating your own party in the 2014 gubernatorial elections. When our party members confronted you at the Ise-Ekiti venue of the meeting, you unleashed stern looking mobile policemen and your regular rough-necks on them, but for the timely intervention of law enforcement agents, our members, your own party members would have been brutalized. II. Rather than open a constituency office like your colleagues, you instead opened a Bibiire office which is a launching pad for your gubernatorial ambition. We want you to explain to us, the mission of your new slogan Bibiire, which has members from opposition political parties especially PDP and Labour at the inaugural meeting of the group in Ado Ekiti on Saturday July 6, 2013.The Director-General of the organisation is from Ijero which is outside your constituency while the Youth Leader is from Ikere and a member of Labour Party. This event is a confirmation of your earlier posters with the inscription,’MOB for Governor’ under the Labour party which you used to test the waters in December 2012. A further confirmation of your romance with members of opposition parties is the widely circulated pictures you took with Mr. Lere Olayinka who is the mouthpiece of Mr. Segun Oni and avowed hater of the Fayemi administration. III. On Friday August 23, 2013, you imported 6 bus load of OPC members belonging to Fredrick Faseun faction to Iyin Ekiti with which you disrupted the burial ceremony of a member of APC and later took the same set of OPC members to destroy the APC secretariat in Iyin Ekiti where they tore all the flags under you supervision. IV. On Monday August 26 2013, you used the same imported OPC members to terrorize APC members in Iyin–Ekiti and when law enforcement agents wanted to arrest them, they resisted and engaged them in gun battle leading to the breakdown of law and order before the security agents restored normalcy. V. On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at the Labour Party Secretariat, a meeting of Labour Party leaders was held where you were adopted as the gubernatorial candidate of the Labour Party for the 2014 elections. VI. We were of the opinion that you will give us quality and accountable representation when we voted for you. We expect you to promote the good virtues that our party is known for. Ironically, what we are getting back from you is quite awry and unexpected. You have been an embarrassment to us, your constituents as you have refused to give a true account of your stewardship in the last two years like your other colleagues in the National Assembly. You have the singular honour and fortune of being in government for 12 years in Lagos State, yet you failed to empower, assist or provide employment for a single indigene of Ekiti state, nay, your town of Iyin Ekiti! VII. You have become law unto yourself and rather than being our representative, you have become our master. You don’t pick our calls neither do you reply our text messages. You have not attended any ward, constituency or state meeting of the ACN (like your other colleagues) in the last two years. Instead, you always fan the embers of disunity in the party, setting one group against the other in collaboration with opposition parties. Rather than empower members of your constituency like your colleagues, you were busy distributing money, rice, ankara and other items to members from Ekiti South and North Districts including members of other parties in pursuit of your so-called governorship ambition. VIII. We like to remind you that despite the fact that you never contested for the position of House of Representatives at the primaries of the A C N but Senate which you lost, we nonetheless gave you the ticket of another party member and the party worked assiduously for your success at the general elections where you emerged as a member of the House of Representatives. Rather than appreciate the good gesture of the party, you have embarked on moves aimed at the systematic destruction of the same party that has been very benevolent to you. IX. Members of our constituency, your constituency, have been asking us to justify the ticket we took from a committed and loyal member and freely handed over to you. While we cannot query our party leaders who exhibited magnanimity in giving you the ticket with the understanding that you would reciprocate the good gesture, little did we know that you had already crossed the Rubicon! We, the members of your constituency and our party leaders who gave you this ticket are already regretting this. X. Other party members are now wary of those of us from Ekiti Central Federal Constituency I as people who could not be trusted because of your treacherous behaviour arising from your inordinate ambition. It is also time to let you know that we quite understand your dirty intrigues in pursuing your obsessive ambition right from 2009 when we were still in court trying to reclaim the mandate of Dr. Kayode Fayemi. You had started appointing coordinators from all over the State under the pretence of campaigning for the Senate; while you started actualizing your evil plan to be governor barely six months into the administration of Dr. Kayode Fayemi who fought for 42 months before he reclaimed his mandate. You set up parallel Exco at the Wards and Local Governments and induced them with your ill-gotten wealth from Lagos State. But you continuously deny that you have any ambition to be governor while you plot day and night to distract the Governor from its set agenda of transforming Ekiti. XI. We wish to state categorically and unequivocally that the incumbent Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, is doing wonderfully well in terms of unprecedented transformation of Ekiti State in less than three years in the saddle and it is our resolve to support him to clinch victory for another term in office so that the present gains could be consolidated in his second term. XII. Having said all these for the purpose of enlightening the unsuspecting members of the public you’ve been feeding with your delusions of grandeur about your chameleonic nature, we must also state that we in Federal Constituency I, Ekiti Central now insist that You are on your own and will not let you delude others-using us as your cannon-fodders. In view of the above, we align ourselves with the decision of our local and national leaders of our party endorsing Governor Kayode Fayemi for second term in office. Meanwhile, we demand from you within Seven (7) days of this publication, an explanation and your response to these allegations. We don’t only expect you to publish your reactions in newspapers, but also to come to your constituency and show us physically where your fictitious projects in 3 (i-xvi) are located. We also expect your reaction to 16 (i) on why you have been shunning party meetings at all levels and government programmes. We also reiterate that your mid-year report is not meant for Lagos, Abuja, print and the social media where you feed them with lies and falsehood. We implore you to come to your constituency and give an accurate account of your stewardship to those who gave you the mandate. We are expecting you. Signed: Mr. David O. Adigun Chief Adeyemi Olufemi Ganiyu Chairman, APC ADO LGA Chairman, APC IREPODUN/IFELODUN LGA For and on behalf of the ADO EKITI & IREPODUN-IFELODUN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREAS, EKITI CENTRAL FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY 1, EKITI STATE.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 13:18:02 +0000

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