LETTER SENT TO PMO & HRD MINISTRY OFFICE FOR SOLVING THE DISPUTE MATTERS RELATED TO PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT ....... 1) Requesting for an amendment subsection (3 )( ii ) (B) of (b ) of sl no 1 from section 19 of RTE Act 2009 in view of Article 14 ( Equality before Law ) of Indian constitution . { Existing RTE Act 2009 discriminate the right of the student in respect of Physical education subject .As per RTE Act ,it is mandatory to enroll students above 100 to create post of physical education in upper primary school .In whole India there is a countless number of upper primary school exist where numbers of students enrolled among 1 to 99 . As per RTE Act they cannot creates following posts which directly hamper the students of the above school} 2) Request for solving the problem arises between NCTE and CBSE in case of physical education teacher qualification rule in primary school.( CBSE notice no-CBSE/AFF/Circular/2013/529422 and NCTE Notification no 2001 & F.49-2/2014/NCTE/N&S(pt) A88307 DATED 2nd June 2014 ) 3) Request for looking into the matter that most of the state specially Maharashtra , Madhya Pradesh , Chhattisgarh , West Bengal ,Jharkhand, Orissa etc does not follow the NCTE rules (31 aug.2009 ) for admission of 1 year BPED course . 4) Request for an amendment of NCTE Physical education teacher qualification rule 2001, in light of NCTE 31 August 2009 Notification. 5) By giving some terms and condition ( 6 months NCTE recognized elementary course and may be others ) BPED trained persons should be allow to sit for the post of physical education teacher in primary school in view of non availability of sufficient number of CPED training institution in entire India .In west Bengal there is no DPED Training institute but the subject physical education subject is taught in primary school . 6) Request for creating of Part time / Fulltime physical education teacher post in primary schools, regarding this RTE Acts should be amended. (As per NCERT Health and Physical Education must continue to be a compulsory subject from the primary to the secondary stages ) 7) Request for taking necessary steps for the state of west Bengal for non maintenance of Pupil Teacher Ratio specially in questing of engagement for Physical education instructors in upper primary school as per RTE Act and WB Govt Rule ( 1073(16)G.A Dated-08/07/1975 )
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 07:41:13 +0000

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