LETTER TO GENERAL MUHAMMADU BUHARI Assalamu alaykum - TopicsExpress


LETTER TO GENERAL MUHAMMADU BUHARI Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah Sir, Ramadan Mubaraq. May Allah accept it from us as an act of Ibaadat. Given the present political situation in Nigeria and your urge to rescue the nation from the shackles of oppressors who parade themselves as saviour, its unfortunate that you will not be able to to anything with Democracy as the system of Governance in Nigeria. Pls Sir, i want to advise you in the name of Allah to QUIT DEMOCRATIC POLITICS NOW. The reason is not far fetched. Sir, whether you like it or not i dont think you can be President of Nigeria under a Democratic System and if you be, you can never achieve 50 percent of what you are capable of achieving or achieved during your 20 months of Military rule between January 1984- August 1985. Sir, my assertion was not based on your lack of quality and requirements to be a President. I campaigned for you in 2011 (May Allah forgives me) when the reality of filthiness and Kufr of Democracy has not dawn on me. However, You possess all the quality required of a leader BUT Nigeria and Nigerians cannot afford and do not deserve to have somebody like you as their President. This was evident in 2011 when they voted for Jonathan not PDP with the religious sentiment put to the fore despite you picking a Pastor as running mate. Democracy is one of the 3 Greatest LIES of the 20th Century. Apart frrom it being a system that do not recognized the sovereignty of Almighty Allah (God) as the ONLY one capable of regulating, managing and disposing the affairs of man, Mans greatest AFFRONT against his creator, it is also a system designed, developed and promoted to subjugate people, giving the elite the power to exploit and manipulate their fellow men to follow, fight and die for a cause that seeks to enslave them. It is also a system that doesnt recognized competence, honesty, integrity, altruism, discipline, intellectualism and fore-sightedness. This was clear during the 2011 election campaign where you clearly and public declared that i have served Nigeria in different capacities as Minister, Governor, Head of State and Chairman of PTF, but i have NEVER taken a kobo from the Govt money. This was a challenged that even your adversaries cannot challenged or disputed up till today. One would expect a sane, sound and unprejudiced people to vote enmasse for this kind of person, but they didnt, WHY? It is because democracy is a system by the bourgeois to enslave peoples thinking and programme them to always respond to their will even when the Truth stare them in the face. Sir, someone like you, who epitomize what a true leader could be can never be allowed to be a President of Nigeria because the very FEW elite who has been milking this country dry and blindly looting the treasury will do everything to ensure that you never get elected. Also, the Nigerian populace who have been subjected to decades of intellectual impoverishment, moral bankruptcy, socio-economic degradation,spiritual enslavement and political manipulations are the unsolicited Army of ignoramuses that are the willing tools for the political bourgeois to campaign against their willing saviour. This was evident in 2011 election. Another card which these very few democratic manipulators have been using is tribal and religious sentiment. Sir, you have been projected to the masses as religious extremist and tribal jingoist despite the fact that you are not such a bigot. This card is being played in order to denigrate you because they do not have any other blemishes they could attach to your good names. Nigerian, who have been divided across religious and tribal line orchestrated by the politicians swallow these sentiment hook, line and sinker because they have been deprived of what goo governance is all about, so their thinking cannot comprehend being a devout believer of his faith and strong lover of his people from being a religious extremist and tribal jingoist. So, my advice sir is to LEAVE their FILTHY system for them and come and work for Allah. Your integrity, honesty and discipline will be best appreciated by the Muslim community in Nigeria in the area of ZAKAT administration. I cannot imagine you handling the Zakat administration for muslims in Nigeria given your precedent as PTF chairman. PLEASE SIR, YOU ARE TOO GOOD TO BE A DEMOCRAT. Come and work for Allah. People cannot appreciate you bu Allah will. Democracy is a system that can never salvage peoples from the shackles of oppression and savagery. IT IS ONLY IN ISLAM THAT ONE CAN GET HONOUR. I pray Allah make you see the truth as truth and the ability to follow it nand make you see the evil as evil and grant you the ability to stay away from it. May He continue to guide you in all your affairs. Yours in Islam, Abu Haneefah
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:44:14 +0000

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