LETTER TO THE DEM LEADERS: 11 NOVEMBER Senator Harry Reid 522 - TopicsExpress


LETTER TO THE DEM LEADERS: 11 NOVEMBER Senator Harry Reid 522 Hart Senate Office Building Washington , DC 20510 Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi 235 Cannon H.O.B. Washington, DC 20515 phone: (202) 225-4965 Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz 118 Cannon H.O.B Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-7931 Fax: 202-226-2052 Democratic National Committee (DNC) 430 South Capitol St. SE Washington, DC 20003 Ph: (202) 863-8000 my.democrats.org/page/s/contact Twitter Acct: .@TheDemocrats Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) P.O. Box 96047 Washington, DC 20090 Phone (202) 224-2447 Fax (202) 969-0354 E-mail: [email protected] Acct: .@DSCC Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) 430 S. Capitol St. SE Washington, DC 20003 E-mail link, here: https://dccc.org/contact/ Twitter Acct: .@DCCC my.democrats.org Donna Galloway-Chung 1207 Ranchview Court Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Dear Senator Reid, Ms. Pelosi, Ms. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), Democratic National Committee (DNC), and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), We are very concerned Democratic voters who have compiled a list of questions that we feel are worthy of immediate discussion in your particular committee. Please read each question (initials of the inquirer included) and understand that we (and millions like us) are questioning the very viability of the Democratic Party of the United States of America at this moment. We also recommend that the committee chairs, upon receiving these questions, RESIGN immediately. NEW PERSONNEL NEED TO PLAN SESSIONS TO CORRECT ISSUES THAT WE, THE AMERICAN VOTERS HAVE ENDORSED THROUGH ELECTION OF PRES. OBAMA. RESPOND to verify that theses questions were received and action is being taken. We, the people, have a few questions for you. Let it be known that we, the people, elected our president by a majority vote. Twice. Our president has, for the most part, done a remarkable job since taking over from the failed Bush administration. We are proud of his accomplishments. WHY DO YOU ALLOW BOEHNER, MCCONNELL SPEAK DISRESPECTFULLY ABOUT AND TO OUR PRES. OBAMA (MOST RECENTLY, “…[LITTLE BOY]… DON’T PLAY WITH MATCHES!”) WHY DO YOU ALLOW GOP TO CONTINUE CULTIVATING RACISM? WHY AREN’T YOUR COUNTERING WITH SMASH-MOUTH FOOTBALL-REMARKS/CORRECTIONS? WHY AREN’T YOU IN THIS BALL-GAME AND ON THE OFFENSIVE? (DCG) Why don’t you trust the judgment of the citizens who voted for and elected President Barack Obama? (BB) Why did you abandon our duly elected president? (BB) Why isnt there a unified 50 state strategy like Howard Dean built in 2008? (DSD) WHY IS OUR VOTE NOT SACRED, A RIGHT AS USA CITIZENRY AND SUBJECT TO OUT-SOURCED/GOP-OWNED MACHINES? THE SOLUTION IS THE USPS SHOULD RECEIVE OUR VOTE ON A NATIONAL VOTING HOLIDAY AND THE FEDERAL WORKERS HANDLE THE PAPER BALLOTS!!! WHY AREN’T THE DEMS ON FIRE ABOUT THIS? (DCG) Why do you allow the Republican Party to set the narrative? (BB) Why did you allow Democratic candidates to distance themselves from one of the most successful presidents since FDR? (BB) Why didn’t YOU set the narrative, by celebrating the myriad successes this president has achieved, then tying those achievements to the candidates? (BB) Why are the Democratic state parties so disorganized? Where are the decent modern-looking websites and use of social media to communicate 2-way with the base? Where is the communication? Why dont the state or county party organizations not want anyone who has not put in their time to express any ideas (note - I heard this over and over from young people who did not vote)? (DSD) Why did you not take a page out of the Republican playbook and instead of lying, hammer them with truth? All you had to do was talk about the government shutdown last year, the selling out of the US to big business and the stagnation and fake conspiracies weve heard endlessly for the last 5 years. Where is your anger at the way the right has treated the President since he was elected? Why didnt you bring up all the wasted money spent on trying to build a case for impeachment on bogus crap like Benghazi and the 50+repeals of the ACA? Why didnt you run a progressive, unified campaign cycle instead of acting like a bunch of diaper wearing babies caught with your hands in the cookie jar? (CM) Why are the Democratic state parties so disorganized? Where are the decent modern-looking websites and use of social media to communicate 2-way with the base? Where is the communication? Why dont the state or county party organizations not want anyone who has not put in their time to express any ideas (note - I heard this over and over from young people who did not vote)? (DSD) DSCC, why did you not fund Amanda Curtis after that failure of a candidate, John Walsh, got $2.65M? Now our states only 2 reps are a TEA Bagger and a war hawk in bed with the defense contractor industry. (PJ) The GOP has ALEC. Where is our psy ops? Our think tank? (DSD) WHY IS JON STEWART, BILL MAHER, COLBERT, NORMAN GOLDMAN, THOM HARTMANN, RACHEL MADDOW, ED SCHULTZ , JESSIE VENTURA, ETC. THE LEADING VOICES OF OUR PEOPLE? WHERE ARE YOU ALL? (DCG) Why are the Democrats so passive about voter suppression? (KS) WHERE’S THE DOJ ON ANYTHING? (DCG) WHY DOESN’T PRES. OBAMA AND THE DEMS APPOINT SEVERAL MORE JUSTICES TO THE SCOTUS NOW? (DCG) DCCC, why did you decide to pull funding for Alison Lundergan Grimes/Pat Quinn/Brad Schneider at a critical time in her campaign? (TW) (DCG) Why has the GOP been allowed to set the narrative so forcefully and so effectively for so long, not just in the lead up to the midterm elections? (PW) Why is the Democratic message so apologetic, so were almost republican, were all about being pro-business, thats our priority, please vote wimpy and diluted? Where are the Democratic ideals? (DSD) What in the world about the Democratic campaigns or candidates of this year would have turned out the under-30s? (DSD) WHERE ARE THE CIVIC’S CLASSES OR YOUR EDUCATIONAL MEDIA TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN COMMUNITY, ETHICAL SOCIETY AND RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT? (DCG) Why do Democratic candidates each make up their own wimpy message instead of running as a unified solid whole that says, this - THIS! - is what we are and what we believe in! (DSD) The GOP has experts crafting the message, using archetypes and mnemonics. The Democratic keystones and values should be presented the same way. (DSD) Why do Democratic state parties and Democratic candidates bend over backwards to run from - and repudiate, ignore, and insult - the Democratic base, which consists of people who call themselves progressives and liberals? (DSD) When will the Democratic leadership start listening to us? There was a Populist Movement bubbling up and you should have jumped on it, instead you have completely ignored it. We want Progressive change, not more of the same! (CMC) Where were the partys voter registration drives? GOTV? There werent any. (DSD) How are you going to respond to accusations that both parties are the same when, by distancing yourselves from your president you tacitly endorse the right wing? Why are you afraid to stand for what makes you different from the republicans? Why have you been so ineffective in getting independent voters to understand that? (CC) I would like to know, who are you sleeping with? What does the GOP have on you? Obviously there is a lot of bad behavior on the side of the Democrats and the GOP must have pictures as they hide every time someone from the GOP says some ridiculous thing. Every pack of dogs has a designated barker to yell BS. Who is the Democratic barker? It seems to be Bernie Sanders. Where is the rest of the pack? (BT) Why is it liberals get the blame for failure to change things? Thats like blaming the kid with glasses getting his ass kicked by the school bully. (SB) When is someone going to prison for shaving thousands of voters off the registered voter lists? (DD) When will the WALL STREET BANKSTERS/FOSSIL FUEL COMPANIES/COMPANIES PAY THEIR SHARE OF TAXES? Why do you let the word ...liberal... be used as a swear word by republicans? (DD) When are you going to get some progressive Democrats on the radio to get our message out ? Why do you let the propaganda to continue unabated? (DD) WHY ISN’T PRES. OBAMA ON TV, RADIO EVERY DAY GETTING OUT A LIBERAL MESSAGE? WHY AREN’T THE DEMS ON TV, RADIO, ETC., EVERY DAY GETTING OUT A LIBERAL MESSAGE? WHY AREN’T THE DEMS NAMING NAMES OF OBSTRUCTIONISTS AND THE GOP/SCOTUS’S CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS? When are you going to recognize the huge accomplishments of the Democratic women leaders and shout the successes of the ACA from the rooftops? And stop the corporate media continue to lie to the AMERICAN PUBLIC? (MQ) When are you going to list the successes of the Obama Administration in public for all to see ? (DD) When are you going to start telling people that the republican party today has no connection to the old conservatives in any way, shape, or form? They are radicals that have no agenda for the Middle Class whatsoever. (DD) Why are criminal corporations allowed to destroy the ecosystem, feed us poison, privatize all the social services causing costs to soar and people to be treated inhumanely, break laws that are in place to prevent bad and unfair business practices, steal peoples pensions, mortgages, and savings, and and leave the whole mess for the taxpayer to clean up while they get off simply because they give money to corrupt politicians? (CB) Why do you, for one second, look the other way while the GOPs southern strategy of dog whistle politics runs amok? And, just as we object to CEOs of failing corporations receiving undeserved compensation, why are the obviously ineffective leaders of your organizations kept on the payroll? If those heads were to roll, perhaps a new generation of progressive leaders could earn the chance to do better (read: win elections). (RS) Why has the Democratic Party allowed the GOP to claim the high moral ground, when they clearly do not follow the principles they hold everyone else accountable for? Why do you allow them to claim to be Pro-life and let their stand stop at birth and not cover the care and feeding of children until they are old enough to leave their parents? Why do you let corporations making billions of dollars profits get tax refunds bigger than they paid in? Why do you allow the wealthy to create and fund trusts with millions of dollars for their children untaxed, you tax gifts of just over a few thousand given directly? If corporations (Citizens United) are to be treated like people, then they should be subject to the same income tax schedules as any other person. Why are corporations with billions in unpaid taxes allowed to do business as usual and not have their accounts attached by the IRS like individuals? (JP) When is the Democratic Party going to stop acting like Flat Earthers and learn and use the science that the Heritage Foundation has been teaching Republicans for 45 years about Cognitive Linguistics - how humans form thoughts and opinions? (GH) UNTIL YOU ANSWER OUR QUESTIONS AND CHANGE YOUR BAD BEHAVIORS, WE WILL ASSUME YOU ARE NOW A PART OF THE REPUBLI-CON PARTY. We expect ANSWERS…NOW. ONE OF MANY, DONNA GALLOWAY-CHUNG Cc: Pres. Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. 522 Hart Senate Office Building Washington , DC 20510
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:55:15 +0000

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