LETTER TO THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR OF BORNO STATE(part one) I want to start this letter with greetings to you your Excellency, with the hope that you are doing fine. May Allah restore peace back to Borno state, and the country at large. It is on record sir that i am one of those who always criticize you whenever you did something that I feel it is not right or whenever I hear complains about you. I always do that not because I don’t like you, or I have personal issues with you, but I always do it so that as a leader you will take corrections. Your Excellency sir, I have to admit that for sometimes now I did not hear people complaining about you. I have contacted so many people, and what am getting from them is that you are trying to at least exhibit some level of understanding between you and the people. This is what is expected of you as a leader, and you should please in the interest of our dear state try as much as you can to embrace all your people and be civil to all in all circumstance. But there are suggestions that I will like to give you as a leader. This is not because am better than you, or am disrespecting you in any way but as a citizen of the state, I owe it a duty to give you my suggestions as I always do to other political office holders. First of all you must realize that you are the most relevant deputy governor ever produce in Nigeria. Your boss is a complete gentleman, he is humble and not over bearing in any way, that is why he give you free hand, therefore he deserves more than 100% loyalty from you. It is also on notice that you are always in his office, to the extent that I use to think you may be invading his privacy, even though he doesn’t complain, but at least you should be giving him a breathing space, so that you too can always be in your office, and by doing so he will appreciate the fact that you are doing your work perfectly. I am also of the view that there are some of the governor’s friends, and associate that are not comfortable with you. Please try to identify such people and reconnect with them, in fact you should pay them a personal visit, and believe you me they will be happy with you. You should also try as much to organize a kind of reconciliation meeting with all the political office holders from southern Borno and reconcile with them. This is not just to protect your office, but it will foster unity among the stakeholders in the zone. As the number two citizen, you should also know that both young and old, men and women not just from southern Borno, but the entire state are your people, and they deserve some level of respect from you. If a small boy insults you, what is needed of you is to call him and show him that what he did is wrong, but if you insult him back or try to beat him, then, certainly people will be looking at you as an intolerant leader. Another serious problem that you will encounter has to do with some of those boys who are close to you. Even this morning, a highly respected man who is also close to His Excellency our governor complain about one of your aid who he said is busy insulting him. Though he to acknowledge and appreciate your change of attitude, but according to him unless if you take drastic measures about this particular guy, he will always course problem between you and your people. Therefore, you should caution your aid about creating unnecessary tension between you and your people. In fact, you should do away with those who live like thugs. You should always appreciate when your friends or other people give you advice, even if you are not going to use it, don’t tell them that you know what you are doing. This is because no matter how knowledgeable you are, you still need other people’s opinion to sharpen your view. You should also travel to Biu and pay visits to all those elders and the youths who are not happy with you, don’t feel that you are the deputy governor and therefore you are the alpha and omega. Be humble, and you can be rest assured that such step will do you better. There are a lot people you can copy from, especially our most humble, amiable, respected, and intellectually sound governor His Excellency Alh Kashim Shettima, and his good friend Hon Muktari Betara Aliyu. These are great men with an exemplary attitude and good leadership qualities. Thanks Yours sincerely ABDULLAHI YUSUF
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:11:02 +0000

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