LETTER TO THE PARLIAMENT - Date: Wednesday/13/November/2013 Time: 14:10pm Physical: Parliament Street, Cape Town Postal:PO Box 15, Cape Town, 8000 Dear Honourable Speaker And Deputy Speaker Of Parliament The National Assembly As Constituted Under Chapter 4 Under The Constitution Of The Republi Of South Africa, Act 108 Of 1996. I Hereby Ones Again Write To The National Assembly The Speaker And Or Deputy Speaker As By The Fact Constituted And Mandated By Section 52, That Im Of The Belief That The Parliament As National Assembly Of The Republic Of South Africa Had Failed Us As Thee Citizens, Electorates And Constituencies To Protect And Strengthen Our Constitution Values, Democracy And And Office Of The Public Protector As Hereby Established, Governed And Mandated By Under Chapter 9 Section 181, Subsection, Paragraph (a) The Public Protector. Im Perplexed Of The Fact That The Office Of Public Protector Office And The Person Mandated By Parliament Has Been Interfered, Attacked, Denegraded, Destructed And Dismantled To Perform Its Functions Effectively, Its Independence, Its Dignity In This Case And By Minister Of Secret Service & Minister Of Justice As Theyve Appeared On Television And Radio News Of Interfering With The Investigations, Report, Espionage, Spying And Fraud Of The Crucial Investigations And Informatiom Gathered By The Public Protector. And These Ministers Are Corrupt Of The Constitution Prescribed Under Section 181. (4) No Person Or Organ Of State May Interfere With The Functioning Of These Institution In This Case The Public Protector. I Therefore Had Been Suppassed Of The Actions That The Two Ministers Had Acted Upon To Withheld, Keep, Receive, Peruse, Analyse, Extract, Change And Cut Any Information Of That Particular Crucial Investigation About Nkandla Saga Gathered By Public Protector. And Further More To Even Lodge A Court Case Against The Office Of The Public Protectors Mandate And Functions To Under Section 182, (1) The Public Protector Has The Power, As Regulated By National Legislation - Paragraph (A) To Investigate Any Conduct In State Affairs, Or In The Public Administration In Any Sphere Of Government, That Is Alleged Or Suspected To Be Improper Or To Result In Any Impropriety Or Prejudice - (In This Manner The Mr Jacob Zumas Private Property The Nkandla Investigation) (B) to Report on That Conduct - (In This Manner As S.181, s.s (5) These Institution Are Accountable To The National Assembly, And Must Report On Their Activities And The Performance Of Their Funtions To The Assembly At Least Once A Year. Then The Questions 1. Arise That To Whom? Had The Two Minister Were Granted A Go To Lodge A Court Case Stop The Report Submited To The Parliamen And The Publication Of The Report To The Citizens Of These Country 2. Did? The Two Minister Have Or Given A Mandate By National Assembly To Interfere With The Public Protector. 3. Do? These Two Ministers Have Such Mandate To Act As Speaker Or Deputy Speaker Of The National Assembly Through A Media Gathering 4. Do Cabinet Ministers Or Any State Organ Cluster Have A Mandate To Regulate And Mandate Parliament On How? To Manage And Control Parliament 5. The Security Cluster Have Such Rights To Forcefully Takea, Remove, Receive, Retrieve and Change Any Investigated Report By The Public Protector Before Or Prior The Parliament Receive And Report Back To Its Citizens 6. Does? The President Or Security Cluster Have Powers More Than The Parliament As National Assembly. 7. Does? The President Have A Right To Decide On His Own To Build His Own Private Home With The State/Government Monies Without Proir Approval By National Assembly. 8. Didnt National Assembly Provide The President With A State House And Enough Security 9. Does? The President Report & Tell The Parliament Of His Office Of The Presidencys Plans, Activities, Functions & Perfomance 10. Does The President Use The Money Of The State/Government As He Wishes For His Private Matters 11. Did? The National Assembly Repossess The Documents Containing The Nkandla Report From The Two Minister And Their Lawyers To Be Presented At The National Assembly I Therefore Urge The Parliament As National Assembly To Take Thorough Drastic Step By Implementing, Approve This With Effect The Chapter 5: The President And National Executive Under Section 81, Subsection (1) The National Assembly, By A resolution adopted with a supporting vote of atleast two thirds of Its members, May remove the Presiident from office on the grounds of - (A) A Serious violation of The constitution or the law; (B) Serious Misconduct; Or (C) Inability To Perform the functions Of office - (In This Case The Building And Construction Of Mr Jacob G Zumas Private House and Private Security Using State Reveues Illegally Without The Parliaments Approval) (2) Anyone who has been removed From The office Of President In Terms of subsection (1) (a) or (b) may not receive any benefits of that Office, and may not serve in any public office in this Case The Former President ( Thambo Mbeki) And. Further More The Current President Jacob G Zuma Secondly To Abide By The Chapter 5, Section 102 Motion Of No Confidence, Subsection (1) The National Assembly Vote To Passes A Motion Of No Confidence In The Cabinet - (In This Case The Cabinet Ministers In The Security Cluster Who Illegally And forcefully withheld and Stopped The Public Protectors Report To Be Presented Before The National Assembly Parliament) (3) The National Assembly, Passes A Motion Of Confidence In The President, The Deputy President And The Other Member Of The Cabinet And Deputy Ministere Must Resign With Immediate Effect With Best Regard Your Majesty King By Power and Order Of Majesty King Bareng Geoffrey Mogorosi Royal Kingdom SECOND SUBMMSSION/LETTER/ PUBLICATION Satuday/09/November/2013. - Time: 12:00pm Dear Honourable Speaker Mr Sisulu I Hereby Write To The National Assembly Governed By The Constitution Of The Republic Of South Africa Act No 108 Of 1996, Constituted Under Chapter 4, Section 42, Part (a) Sub-Section (3) The National Assembly Is Elected To Represent The People And To Ensure Government By The People Under The Constitution. It Does This By Choosing The President, By Providing A National Forum For Public Consideration Of Issues, By Passing Legislation And By Scrutinizing And Overseeing Executive Action. In This Manner The Parliament Is A Legislative Authority Of The Republic S.43 Part (a) Of The National Sphere Of Government Is Vested In Parliament As Set Out In Section 44; Parliament Is National Legislative Authority S.S. (1) Part (a) Of Sub-Part (I), (ii) (iii) Part (b) Sub-Part (I), (ii) & (iii) And Continuing To Section (2) Including The Whole Section And All Parts And Again Reading Section 55 Powers Of National Assembly, S.S (1) Part (a) & (b) And Section (2) Part (a) And (b) And Continuing To Section 56 Evidence Or Information Before National Assembly, S.55 The National Assembly Or Any Of Its Committees May - (A) Summon Any Person To Appear Before It To Give Evidence On Oath Or Affirmatiion, Or Produce Documents (B) Require Any Person Or Institution To Report To It; ( In This Manner The Public Protector About Nkandla Report About Mr Jacob Zuma) (C) Compel, In Terms Of National Legislation Or The Rules And Orders, Any Person Or Institution To Comply With A Summon Or Requirement In Terms Of Of Paragraph (a) Or (b); and (D) Receive Petitions, representations Or Submissions from Any Interested Persons Or Institutions. My Major Argument Is Based On The Public Protectors Report On Nkandla Saga On Whose Responsible To Submit, Accept And Or Receive The Report, In This Case The Parliament As The National Assembly Is The Legislative Authority As The President And Government Departments Are Vested In Parliament As Set Out In S.44 And Also Section 56 Evidence Or Information Before National Assembly In This Case The Public Protectors Report Should Be Presented To The Parliament Before The Speaker With All Members Present By The Office Of The Public Protector Through Thuli Madonsela. And Summon All Department That Had Taken The Matter To Court To Present Their Case Or Decry After The Report Had Been Presented Before Speakers Of The National Assembly. It Is Of This Manner That Our National Assembly Through You Honourable Speaker That You Protect And Guard Against The Harassment And Threatening Of The Chapter 9 State Institutions Supporting Constitutional Democracy In This Regard As Paragraph (a) The Public Protector That Under Section (2) These Institutions Are Independent, And Subject Only To The Constitution And The Law, And They must Impatial And Must Exercise Their Powers And Perform Their Functions Without Fear, Favour Or Prejudice. (4) No Persons Or Organ Of State May Interfere With The Functioning Of These Institutions In This Regard Office Of The Public Protector (5) These Institutions are Accountable To The National Assembly, And Must Report On Their Activities On Their Activities And The Performance Of Their Functions To The Assembly At Least Once A Year. CHAPTER 9 Public Protector As Stipulated Under Section 182 Functions Of The Public Protector Sub-section (1) State That - The Public Protector Has The Power, As Regulated By National Legislation Paragraph - (A) To Investigate Any Conduct In State Affairs, Or In The Public Administration In Any Sphere Of Government, That Is Alleged Or Suspected To Be Improper Or To Result In Any Impropriety Or Prejudice; (B) To report on that Conduct; And (C) To Take remedial Action I Therefore Do Not See Any Reason Of Why? And How? Organ Of State Interfere With The Function Of The Public Protector As The Public Protector Is Accountable To The National Assembly And Must Report To The National Assembly Of The Nkandla Case/saga. I Therefore Shall Hereby Opt To Vote For The Removal Of President Section 89 s.s. (1) That - The National Assembly, By A Resolution Adopted With A Supporting Vote Of Atleast Two-Thirds Of Its Members, May Remove The President From Office Only On The Ground Of - (A) A serious violation of the Constitution or The Law; (B) serious misconduct; or (C) Inability To Perform the Functions of office (2) Anyone who? Has been removed from the office of President In terms of subsection (1) (a) or (b) May Not receive any benefits of that office, and may not serve in any Public Office. Aluta Continua! By Power And Order Of Majesty King Bareng Geoffrey Mogorosi Royal Kingdom On Behalf Of BAGEMO Royal Kingdom / The BAGEMO Angels Group And Royal Kingdom Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies - CONTACT: 0721751809 0610512851 - FACEBOOK: Bareng Geoffrey Mogorosi facebook/Bareng.Geoffrey.Mogorosi - TWITTER: @BAGEMO ANGELS GROUP twitter/BAGEMOANGELSGROUP - ADDRESS: 3260 Brits Road Bochabela Township Mangaung Metropolitan Municipal MMM 9323
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:56:38 +0000

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