LETTER from RECTOR of CARMEL UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: An American born and American trained Carmelite shared this with us: on HIDDEN LIFE: Taking Carmel to the streets as seculars and confraternity members: 1. The Hidden Life of Carmel - has an Identity: Not all agree of what that identity is and how flexible it becomes when presented to seculars and confraternity members, 2. Consider the HIDDEN LIFE of CARMEL like a VIOLIN, a particularly high quality violin similar to a Stradivarius violin, 3. The HIDDEN LIFE of CARMEL in YOUR HANDS is this like this VIOLIN: and you can use it anyway you desire, : YOU HAVE FREEDOM of conscience, 4. The HIDDEN LIFE OF CARMEL, in your hands similar to this violin, can be used as a door stop, you can take the violin, and we have all seen how door stops work, they sit there on the floor as inanimate objects propped against a door. 5. It is a POOR USE of the VIOLIN to use is as a door stop, especially the Stradivarius Violin, but for one unable to play the violin, one who lacks skill in releasing BEETHOVEN through use of the violin in a different use than a door stop, perhaps the BEST USE they can find for the violin is to use it as a door stop. 6. It is the same with the HIDDEN LIFE of CARMEL, there are poor uses of this life and there exists people who know how to use this life well, there are souls that know how to release from this HIDDEN LIFE - BEAUTIFUL MUSIC, turning noise into ordered sound with a rhythm, keeping beat to the very HEART OF JESUS CHRIST, diffusing that very heart beat, magnifying it, as this beat resonates into the market place, into your community for the betterment of MANKIND adding to the common good! 7. Examples of this release of HIDDEN LIFE are many and vary with as many souls as vibrate at the very touch of the Holy Spirit, in fact that is what GOD wants of you, GOD wants to share this concept of HIDDEN LIFE with the world, GOD wants this concept on the Map of Knowledge of every individual He has created: Consider that Our Father wants to work with you, wants you to vibrate - at the very touch of HIS HOLY SPIRIT and your resonate with a message, with sound that is heard in the world, in the market place: This is perhaps the CATHOLIC VOCATION and CARMEL is tasked with making the flame of this Faith more ROBUST, more colorful and transforming places the flame has never reached before: Pray on it and come up with your own ways to share the hidden life with others, here are a few examples: 7.a HHJP2 now saint JP2, would say when asked how he prayed, I PRAY as the HOLY SPIRIT PERMITS ME TO PRAY. This implies he has a secret or hidden relationship with this Holy Spirit, this hidden life and this is an appropriate way to live the HIdden Life in the world, 7b. When working with the mentally ill, or mentally challenged, they often have no boundaries and have poor impulse control, telling them we are now going to have a MONASTERY 30 minutes or 1 hour, puts them in a frame of mind that you now want to live a HIDDEN LIFE in their very presence - your telling them do not interrupt me during this time, and join me in controlling your impulses and try to be silent. You do this as your pass by them in the halls or as they sleep in the sidewalk and you train them that when you FOLD YOUR HANDS in prayer configuration - this symbolizes you cannot engage them in conversation right now but are dwelling deep in your hidden life within and you have invited them to have this same impulse control over their addictions and afflictions like OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, 7c. Find your own way to publicly symbolize this hidden life as you engage the marketplace, and resonate the beauty of the hidden life that remains with in Carmel and you , like the Stradivarius Violin, vibrate at the very touch of the HOLY SPIRIT. Note: The Catholic Church and Carmel have a mind set that is labeled the GENERAL MEANS to PERFECTION and one of these means is frequent recourse to solitude, it is good theology and good theology is good psychology. This is a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT OF CARMEL USA - ! We urge you to take that VIOLIN out of the CASE and share your beautiful music with others. You exemplify the Monastery Friars and Nuns when you do so! It is a GOOD THING!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 13:48:34 +0000

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