LET’S DISSECT IT: SERIES 5……… “THE SECRET PLACE” Yes, the “secret place” I had pondered on this for years. Psalm 91, yes, we all may or may not have read it, but I have a few times, each time I pondered, I cracked my then befuddled mind, religion muddled up brain, I would wonder where this secret place of the most high could be. I knew it was not the Church, the building, what could be so secretive about a funny building that is imposed out there, with the windows painted in crazy rainbow colors for all to see? So, I would wonder but still no answers because no one was willing to answer me. Little wonder....on one Sunday, I refused going to Church, I started my “one-woman” expedition and exploration into religion and finding out its die-hard scary messages. I would be so frightened to ask because I did not want to be seen as an out-cast or tagged anti-Christ. Those were bad names as far as I was concerned then. That was the way it was then, on those rare occasions that I would summed up the rare “courage” and dared to ask……I would be told it was wrong to question the “Almighty God’, or doubt the things of the spirit because the consequences could be dire and terrible. There were also those who would not even bother but would pusillanimously dodge the questions. I remember, not once, not twice, that I thought about God, the crazy stuff about him or her, and who he truly was or still is, how I came to be, how everyone came about, how the whole universe was formed, the concept of the galaxies……..the whole grand conspiracy bothering on the “Organization”, the “cult”, because all I would be taught then, was how organized the Churches and Christendom were, the whole body of Christ, so how dare you ask questions or try to figure out. How, who, decided that I should be born in the family that I came from, my whole genealogy, who decided that I should be female and not male, I would think until my head would go all fuzzy and I would hear a voice telling me, I am going “insane” and would rut in hell if I did not stop. After, I would be so paralyzed with raw fear and guilt, that God would smite me to down for ever daring to question him, his authority over me, and the affairs of my life… This had been my experience, my journey till this day, this day that I can truly say, that “there is none but me”, that I am the God.. I was a very young girl, with the greatest inquisitive mind, the most probing heart, and the scariest but sincere personality ever. I asked once, my puny but garishly dressed grandma got so angry and called me a demon. If only she was alive today, to see the real demon indeed. Lol! That was all she knew, for she who knows better, does better. She had been long gone, the sad aspect of it is not her dead, but dying and believing only Jesus could have saved her soul, believing all it took was to believe and confessing Jesus as her Lord and Savior, believing in her heart that he died, that he rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and that he is sitteth at the right hand of God. That was all, grandma needed to know for her to be saved and the guaranty to make heaven. Many have died, still dying, and still believing in that gargantuan fallacy. The whole gambit, my innocent inquisitive mind, at the end of it all, the beautiful questions would be downed and drowned to one simple aphorism ……..“Don’t question God” Maybe, Grandma is in heaven with whoever, but I Portia, have every reason to doubt there is any such “fat chance” Na! I knew, the secret place of the most high, that, that place could not have been that alter in the Church, somewhere with a beautiful table, with religious artifacts, decorated and tucked away from the prying eyes of others. But, it was still a wonder and ponder I did. Now, finally, and yes, it all makes sense, it’s all been revealed. I was meditating, when it all came in a flash, when the answers to all my questions came down to just one simple fact, that the secret place is where, I have always been, and had always known. Not where I once believed it was, that is up in the sky, that was because each time they prayed, they looked up to the sky, their offerings waved upwards towards the sky. The Reverend, he would ask from where came help? “They would chant from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth”, pointing to the sky. #Confused# “He that dwelled in the secret place of the (Most high), shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. I would say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in whom will I trust. Okay, where is this “secret place” then? It is that room inside of you, that place that the Omnipotent, the most powerful, Omniscience, the ever knowing, the Omnipresence, the ever present, twenty four hours in a day, every nano-second in a minute, every minute in an hour, every day, three sixty five days in a year. That place is within you, that place is in you, right now, right there, where you are, that is the secret place of the most high. That temple of all temples, the home of the most righteous, the body of Christ that is also your body, and that’s the temple of the most high, the secret place where the living God dwells, that living God is none but you. There is no point making your clergies, pastors, Imams feel like the gate-keepers to heaven, lifting tall-toll-booths that act as barrier between your soul and the hart of God that is within you. Folks have spent years, just like I did, searching, yearning, asking, seeking, knocking, probing and preaching out of ignorance that the secret place is up there, somewhere up in the sky, down here in some forest, or under the sea or even on top of the mountain. If you want to find that place in a quiet, well organized, lined chip up on the mountains, where the birds are chirruping, with your beautiful chintz clothing all looking Godly that to me is a nice scenery for poetic justice. You have organized a beautiful repertoire, for folks to enjoy the sonorous voices of your choristers, in an exclusive beautifully decorated Church, that too is another form of entertainment…. That is not the secret place of the most high. The most secret or sacred place isn’t that Church, neither is it the Mosque, it is temple of your body, that is where the most high lives. That temple is within you, that is why Jesus said, that the temple of the living God is your body and you must keep it holy. That is why you are like the body of Christ; “Christ too had a body that was the temple of his God”, he knew who he was, now also find who you are, you are your Jesus, your messiah, your savior, there is none out there, dead or alive that can save you but you.. Out of your heart are the issues of life and death, so keep that heart clean, for that is where God lives, that is where your father lives forever and would always live. “Jesus admonished, when he said, the “kingdom of God is neither here nor there” but the Kingdom is within you. “From within, comes without” How difficult is that to understand? God is dependent on you just as you are on him. It is a symbiotic relationship that is mutually beneficial to you and him/her. One cannot live without the other. Hence, “Jesus said, “I and my father are one”. That, secret place, you can navigate it and meander through it, for as long as you live, twenty four hours in a day, (365 days), it is there for you to tap on whenever, wherever, or whatever you may need it for. Just knock, the door would open, seek and it would seek you, ask and the questions are there just within you, right there, right now. You are the God, you hold the key to that temple and the secret place, the ball is always in your court, and you kick it in just when and where you need it. Stop looking for it in your Church, you are the Church, stop searching for it up on the mountains for that is only a lovely relaxation place, except you need a quiet place to open the temple door of your soul without unnecessary disturbance. Knock on it within you, and you would answer you, it is in you and yes, you alone can. “Jesus, revealed to you all the secrets there are, where to find them, how to go about seeking and finding them, do so and stop the craziness. Now, my question is, in all these plethora of goodwill and brilliant messages that Jesus, the master teacher had left, the great key player and revealer of all pertaining to secret things and spiritual knowledge had taught, why do we still ponder and wander in the dark and falling flat on our faces? Why do we still believe only his blood that had coagulated and gone stale is the only way our sins can be washed away? Why do we still rub the blood of a dead man all over us, and still invoke his spirit to help us when he is gone and would never come back? “This is the practice of necromancy” folks, talking to dead people. You are living, you are alive, look within you for there lies your dormant strength, there is the secret place that holds the key to the kingdom of God, that “Jesus talked about. I dare you to activate it now. It is not the pastor alone that holds that key, we all do and we all can enter through that narrow gate that leads to our souls, rather than the tumultuous door that leads to the chaos that we all see in Christendom today. That gate, that leads to those Churches, that building, that you all converge to do those things you do, that is the building you meet to have your social gatherings, that is not the temple of God. The temple of God, the one that holds the secret is within you. A brother, a member of Deeper Life Church, he left home for weeks now, that he has gone to seek “God’s face”,.....where? No one knows. “Now, the “wahala” has gone from searching for him in all the Churches and camps, to reporting to the police. It is now, a case of a missing person, not someone seeking the face of God. He said, according to reports that God asked him to go and look for him somewhere. Where? He could not say……and I am still pondering how he and God had this conversation, what form he used to communicate with him? I think it is a mild form of insanity, Schizophrenia? Just as I am writing this article, we have heard he is in Bauchi, the Deeper Life Church there, said they are not interested in keeping him. He is leaving there to Gombe, the breaking news. This is some confusion, his God must be confused to send him to Boko haram’s den, to go and evangelize, and I pray they don’t make mince meat of him. There are, still a lot of Moses around, Moses heard God’s voice in the burning bush, today folks are still hearing God’s voice. You cannot find God without the acceptance of who you are, you cannot hear his voice until you have a peaceful relationship with yourself. “You are the Gods” Period! Don’t come here, and start trying to dissect my punctuations o! Get the import of the lecture, dissect series 5, of “Let’s dissect it’, I still dey learn…..Lol…..
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 21:39:30 +0000

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