LEWIIM.......STAND UP.......THEY KNOW WHO WE - TopicsExpress


LEWIIM.......STAND UP.......THEY KNOW WHO WE ARE... CHARACTERISTIC OF A LEWIIM.... What applies to Cohens also pertains to Lewiim but less so. Lewi tend to go by the rules. They want things done as they are supposed to be even if the main goal that the rules are made for is not achieved as a result. Bureaucratic personalities sometimes turn out to be Lewiim. 1. Like Simeon they have a tendency to violence and law enforcement being found in the POLICE Force, security workers, and judiciary. 2. They can be LEGALISTIC . 3. Lewiim were often EDUCATORS. 4. Lewiim are responsible and sometimes neurotic. 5. They may tend to worry too much. 6. Formality is important for them. 7. Lewiim have the gift of formulation and analysis and drawing practical conclusions despite their over-duly rule-abiding constrictions and gift of gap. 8. Cohanim and Lewiim may be independently employed but prefer regularity, governmental positions, and secure arrangements. 9. One may well find criminals with the names Cohan and Lewi but on the whole they are honest and proper in their dealings or when wrong completely wrong. 10. The Lewiim served in the Temple as Gate-Keepers, Guards, singers in the choir, and the players of musical instruments. They were therefore probably musically talented and shared whatever subsidiary characteristics are associated with music, e.g. precision, sensitivity, appreciation of harmony and rhythm, empathy, emotionally open, etc. Musical talent is sometimes associated with mathematical ability. Music is both an art and a science though it relies much on intuition and therefore Lewiim are oftentimes very calculating, naturally discernful, and intuitive. 11. The Lewiim and Cohanim were not obliged to go out to war like the other Yisraelite tribes were. Nevertheless they did not lack discipline nor physical courage. The Hasmonean Maccabees were cohanim. With a handful of guerillas they defeated what in their time was a major world power and created a little Empire of their own. ~Moshe Lewi...Leon Bradley...Rekoe Howard....YahEl Levi....Kozriel Witherspoon...Prince BenYamin Levi...Shem Levi...Yahna Levi....Eliyah Ben Levi....Yeremyah Levi....
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 19:01:57 +0000

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