LGBT GROUP CRIES FOUL OVER HATE POSTS REFERENCE: Corky Hope Marañan, KAPEDERASYON Spokesperson, 0929 608 2502 Kapederasyon LGBT Sectoral Group reacted to the spread of what they called as “hate posts” online aimed against Jennifer Laude, the 26yr old transgender allegedly murdered by US Marine PFC Joseph Scott Pemberton. “We are deeply disturbed with the negative comments online reeking with hate, homophobia, and transphobia. Many posts blame Jennifer for her own murder and even condone hate crimes” says Kapederasyon spokesperson Corky Hope Marañan. She added that while the hate posts do not represent the sentiment of the majority of the Filipino people, “these outbursts of discrimination shows how hostile some sections of the Philippine Society can be towards people with different gender.” “We ask everyone to be sensitive and careful about what they post online. Instead of adding insult to the already grave injury by posting hate-filled comments, we urge them to use their time online to expand their understanding on the issue,” Marañan added. The group together with its chapters in schools and communities are already engaged in an education campaign tackling the rights of the LGBT sector and promoting gender diversity. “The case of Jennifer and what we’re seeing online tell us that there is clearly more work to be done. And we plan to face this head on. We will double our efforts in educating the people on the issue of human rights, gender expression and identity,” Marañan said. The group also slammed AFP’s statement saying that cause-oriented groups are “over reacting.” “We ask the AFP, how does one react to murder? How should a Filipino react if one of his own sister is brutally murdered by a foreign soldier?” asked Marañan. “It is a shame how they could just easily accept a simple apology in exchange for the life of their own countrymen. It is a shame how they could act as apologists for the murderer of their own sister. Instead of making apologies, they should move to arrest the perpetrator and defend the Filipino people,” she added. Finally the group appealed to the public to join them and Jennifer’s family in their fight for justice. “Murder is murder. No excuse can be made to justify the taking of a life of a person. We have a Filipino that’s been murdered. We should unite as Filipinos in seeking justice,” concluded Marañan. ### Read the story here : kapederasyon.wordpress/2014/10/16/lgbt-group-cries-foul-over-hate-posts/
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 00:25:10 +0000

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