LIARS GALORE A sailor approaches his Divisional Officer on a - TopicsExpress


LIARS GALORE A sailor approaches his Divisional Officer on a ship with a request to go on leave. The following conversation took place: Sailor: Sir, I want to go on urgent leave. My wife is pregnant and may deliver any time now. D.O. Bullshit, you lie. (Opens a drawer in his table and takes out a letter): Here, I have just received a letter from your wife asking that you not be sent on leave. She says you will only get yourself drunk everyday of leave and not help with her delivery and afterwards at all. The sailor resignedly starts to leave and then at the door turns back. Sailor: Sir, I used to feel that I am a great liar but you have beaten me to it. D.O. (Angrily): What do you mean? Sailor: You see, Sir; I am not even married.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 16:30:39 +0000

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