LIARS IN THE PLEIADIAN SKY by Billy Meier During my May 13, - TopicsExpress


LIARS IN THE PLEIADIAN SKY by Billy Meier During my May 13, 1996, contact with Ptaah, our conversation once again turned to the machinations of liars, deceivers, frauds, and charlatans as they pertain to fraudulent, purported contacts with Pleiadians/Plejarans. We also spoke on the topic of so-called remote viewing, which recently has become the flavor-of-the-month in the parapsychological firmament. Billy: I still have a few questions, one of which pertains to a purported medium, Ingo Swann, and a U.S. Army Major called Ed Dames. They are both involved in this so-called PSI TECH, supposedly a technological viewing method to discern and uncover even the most secret things from a distance --- at least this is what is being asserted; such a claim is made in Magazin 2000 starting on page 81. The article states that interested parties can meet Ed Dames in Germany where he intends holding a 3-day seminar at the impertinent price of DM 1.800 [approx. $1.400]. First of all: Are you familiar with this story? Second: Should Ed Dames be taken serious? Third: What about the medium called Swann? Fourth: What should we think of remote viewing? Ptaah: We are familiar with these claims and schemes. With his dishonest methods, Ed Dames is one of many who extracts money from the pockets of trusting and gullible people. The school for remote viewing, which he initiated, are infamous, shady wheeling and dealing (WV); and this purported remote viewing is nothing more than charlatanry. Both the USA and Soviet Union governments previously conducted comparable studies, and continue to do so to this day. This has not been classified information for quite some time, ever since a great deal of the secret material regarding this so-called remote viewing trickled out. The efforts in this secret research by the USA and the Soviet Union failed to produce any major successes, and their work in this direction must not be linked in any way with the charlatanry of Ed Dames. PSI TECH is not identical to this purported remote viewing, it is merely the name of an alleged firm. Regarding Ingo Swann, I can say that he, too, is involved in many dishonest schemes, and he has been given credit for many things that are untrue. When the facts are examined, therefore, all of these matters must be regarded as charlatanry and shady wheeling and dealing (WV). Only certain secret research programs and achievements by the USA and the Soviet governments regarding long-distance perception or remote viewing, as it is referred to in English, can be excluded from this entire foolishness. Billy: Thanks. --- Do you know anything about a person called Jani King? I have received a fax recently stating that this woman in Australias North Queensland has written at least two books about . . . Ptaah: . . . purported contacts with me. Of course, her information is as much a foolish fantasy and nonsense (WV) as the untenable claims by Penny McLean, Barbara Hand Clow, Barbara Marciniak, Amorah Quan Yin, and the others who make obscure and stupid (WV) assertions about their having contacts with me. On this list I must also include Fred Bell, who alleges (WV) to have had contacts with my daughter Semjase, and Randy Winters with Adrain’s story (WV) about his purported contacts in Florida. Never have we had such contacts with humans on Earth --- you are the rare exception --- and currently no other contactees exist whatsoever. Furthermore, in the future no contacts will be initiated with any terrestrial humans by any of our peoples. If, therefore, dishonest people (WV) claim they are having contact with one of us, or with the spirit entities of one of our peoples, you can rest assured this is a lie, fraud or charlatanry. As well, schizophrenic processes, suggestive influences, self-delusions and the like should not be excluded as possible causes for the individuals actions. Unfortunately, the number of liars, deceivers, frauds, charlatans, and delusional individuals who claim they maintain contacts with us, is constantly increasing. Every one of them, and I must strongly emphasize EVERY SINGLE ONE, is simply an individual suffering from derangement, schizophrenia or delusions --- unless the person is a deliberate liar, deceiver, fraud or charlatan. It is interesting to note that we Pleiadians/Plejarans became part of the Earths publics interest only after you officially began disseminating your mission material, and making public appearances. At that time we were suddenly being exploited by dozens of delusional people, liars, frauds, deceivers, and charlatans who claimed we had or were having contacts with them. The irony of this scenario is that these sick and dishonest people with their delusional, deceitful and fabricated stories, are being accepted as telling the truth by practically all UFO groups, although their fabrications bore not one iota of truth --- while you, our genuine contactee, continue to be scorned as a liar and cheat, and your evidence is defamed as being fraudulent. --- It certainly would be appropriate for you to compile a pamphlet regarding these matters so you can hand it out to everyone who is interested. The sincere investigators, indeed all other human beings, are entitled to hear about the fundamental truth.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 08:15:55 +0000

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