LIBERAL LOGIC: WERE UPSET THAT RUSSIA GAVE ASYLUM TO EDWARD SNOWDEN; THUS IN ORDER TO REPAIR THE STRAIN THAT THIS HAS PUT IN U.S.-RUSSIA RELATIONS, WE WILL ALLOW RUSSIA TO BUILD THEIR OWN GPS SYSTEM ACROSS THE U.S., REGARDLESS THE RISK TO OUR OWN NATIONAL SECURITY. (THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION) According to a New York Times report: For the State Department, permitting Russia to build the stations would help mend the Obama administration’s relationship with the government of President Vladimir Putin, now at a nadir because of Moscow’s granting asylum to Mr. Snowden and its backing of President Bashar al Assad of Syria. The shameless Obama administration is seeking to allow Russia to build a half-dozen facilities across the United States to operate the Glonass satellite system, a counterpart to and competitor with America’s Global Positioning System (GPS), [not] consider[ing] the risk at which we are placing our own GPS system, — compromising it and signal disruption being the most prevalent concerns. If Russian Glosnass stations are in close proximity to our towers, you’d have to realize we are exposing our GPS system to interference and espionage, by way of electronic warfare. In typical misguided modern liberal fashion we must concede to the Kremlin in exchange for their bad behavior. And to add to this insidious bit of appeasement, neither the Defense Department nor the Intelligence community were in on this decision by the State Department. And please, do not bother to ask President Obama, his response will be, “Uh, uh, I did not know and just found out when reading Allen West’s website.” This is not simply incompetence, it is insanity, the insanity of progressive socialism intent on the weakening of our republic, and its subjugation.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 19:21:14 +0000

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