LIBERALS ARE ANTI 2ND AMENDMENT FREAKS! LIBERALS CONTROL OUR PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM! SO THEY MAKE SURE TRUE REVOLUTION WAR HISTORY IS NOT TAUGHT: IT DOESNT SUPPORT THEIR ANTI-GUN AGENDA! Liberals controlling our education system make sure to stop at teaching that our refusal to pay a small tax on tea is what started the Revolutionary War. IT DID NOT! It was a contributing factor yes, but only one of the straws placed on the camels back through years of oppression of the British government upon us, but it was not the final straw that broke the camels back. The war didnt begin until a number of years after the Boston Tea Party protest against the tea tax. Barack Obama gave two different 4th of July speeches in 2013: One in Washington and one in Great Britain. I remember hearing and nearly puking after hearing parts of his speech in Great Britain aired on the news. I attempted to find a video copy of that speech to allow you to fact check me on it; but cant find one(seems like someone doesnt want it kept in records). His Washington speech is easy to find video copy of; it was a total different speech giving lip service to American patriotism; but Im gonna tell you what I remember Obama saying in the Great Britain speech: He said:(Im not quoting, paraphrasing from memory) The war need not have happened. Britain may not have had everything right, but they had a lot of things rights. Another way of settling the dispute should have been found short of going to war over a small tax on tea. I WANTED TO REACH MY HANDS INTO MY TV AND GRAB HIM AROUND HIS THROAT WHEN I HEARD HIM PURPOSELY DECEIVING PEOPLE ABOUT TRUE REVOLUTIONARY WAR HISTORY LIKE THAT! I think Obama knows full well that first of all, it wasnt the amount of the tax, whether too large or too small that was at issue. The issue(that he conveniently forgot to mention) was TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! We said if you are going to tax us to fund your government, we should be allowed a representative(a voice) in your legislative body. THEY SAID NO! ONLY BRITISH NATIONALS ARE ALLOWED THAT! So we showed them the finger and told them to sit on it and spin; were not not paying your tax. And yes, we got a little bit rowdy and threw their tea in the harbor(The Boston Tea Party Protest). That really pissed off King George who said those disobedient American colonists need to be brought into strict compliance with my rules. But ole King George had one problem: HE KNEW WE WERE ARMED and it would be difficult to bring us into strict obedient compliance without questioning his Totalitarian Rule WITHOUT FIRST DISARMING US! So he passed and imposed A GUN BAN LAW UPON US!; requiring us to turn in our guns. We said HELL NO to that; we aint turning in our guns to you and leaving ourselves totally defenseless against your tyranny. So that led to King George mounting his troops and sending them out to ransack our homes and confiscate our guns by force. But fortunately, we saw the writing on the wall with the original passage of the GUN BAN LAW UPON US of what was to come, so we were somewhat prepared with militias(of private citizens) when Paul Revere made his famous ride and warned THE BRITISH ARE COMING, THE BRITISH ARE COMING. It is still unclear which side fired first(whether a British soldier or an American colonist defending his home and property), but this is when THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD(the first shot fired in the Revolutionary War) was fired; a number of years after the tea tax issue. So now my friends, you know our true history and the true intent of the 2nd Amendment our founders added to the Constitution when they wrote it fresh out of the war(when deer hunting was not on their minds at all Joe Biden)..............Todd
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 07:10:33 +0000

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