LIBERIANS, ARE WE OUR BROTHERS KEEPER???? As the death toll - TopicsExpress


LIBERIANS, ARE WE OUR BROTHERS KEEPER???? As the death toll surges and the Ebola virus disease spreads exponentially, our people continue to fall preys to this menace that has ravished our nation, causing our people to live in constant fear. The outcry of our people can be heard from the bottomless pit echoing in the ears of the international community, pleading for HELP and gasping for air, but HELP is nowhere near. What will you do? Are you your brothers keeper? Dont criticized but strategize...! Yes theres a consensus view the GoL has failed miserably by not acting quickly and swiftly to clamped on the virus when it first reported in Lofa county in early April or May, preventing subsequent and eventual casualties. Yes our people remain oblivious to the potential peril the virus may posed to humans, an attribute to their ignorance, in-denials norms and culture practices. Yes we lack the capacity and expertise as a nation to tackled this virus. What will you do? Are you your brothers keeper? Dont criticized but strategize..! In spite of all these shortcomings and hindrances, we can not sit idle and watch families get extinct and our dearest country regressed to abnormal or chaotic state, courtesy of Ebola. We must collectively come together to fight the disease by galvanizing our people in and around communities specifically Diaspora Liberians to lobby for immediate intervention by engaging stakeholders and congressmen in our various states or provinces, which will put pressure on their governments to act now and help rid this deadly virus from our country and the continent . This isnt the time to play the blame game, point fingers or resort to diversion schemes. Things are spiraling out of control because it has become glaring the GoL cant saddle the responsibility alone. People are dying by numbers everyday. Listening in to a local radio station in the Monrovia , I could heard the despair in the voices of our people when they called in to give their views on the Ebola crisis.They are in a dire state with nowhere to turn. Its like watching death canvass your doorstep and nothing in your arsenal to fight back. Tears drenched my eyes after listening to these sad accounts of what our people endure everyday. It breaks my heart. What will you do? Are you your brothers keeper? Dont criticized but strategize..! Our common patrimony has been plaque by one of deadliest virus that ever graced the planet. The likes of MSF, Samarian Purse, Catholic Social services and other NGOs providing humanitarian services to our people are desperately pleading for additional help from the international community because they are running out of options. I said what will you do? Are you your brothers keeper? During 911, Americans from every sector regardless of political differences, came together and support their government in its effort to retaliate when Acada extremist group wrecked havoc to Americans. In the end, the Americans triumph. Liberians, lets use Ebola as the impetus that would bring us together, sideline our political or personal differences and support our government for a common cause; advocacy, pressure or petition the international community especially the United States of America to intervene now. Liberia is so vulnerable right now, thats why its of essence we act now. I challenge every Liberian to suspend politic now and direct their focus to whats more important. Save our people from this nuance called Ebola virus disease (EDV) If our people ever needed us, this is the time. Lets be our brothers keeper..!! Dont criticized but strategize...! With Robert David G, Massa Dopoh, Botoe Jarwee, McCarvent Levi Madison, Musa Willie, Dennis K. Bartee, Boakai Jaleiba, Boakai Boley, Hassan Fadiga, Al Al-Hussein Youjay Fadiga, Pah K. Suku Jr., Isaac Vah Tukpah, Stephen Johnson, Thomas Sankara, Samuel G Bennett Jr.,Momo A. Sambola, J J Garmondeh Lewis Jr., Bestman Judue, Abby Tyler, Tenneh Taweh, Lester Tenny, Kwame Clement, Kwame Weeks, Boye C Farley, Brazilian Monk, Garcon Morweh, PrfectManager Morris Kromah, Wes Smith, Darke Saryorpodeh Esoteric,Arlene T Ojuku Nyenpan et all...
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:33:44 +0000

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