LIBERTY How Government And the Medical Profession Violate - TopicsExpress


LIBERTY How Government And the Medical Profession Violate Liberty In a Caveman article, I review a case where a parent went to jail for doing his best to treat a sons Lyme disease. It points out the ugly combination between government power and the ingrown narrow-mindedness of the medical profession. Individual liberty to do what one wants is discarded in the gutter by bureaucrats who have no respect for liberty. Yet the nation was founded on the principles of liberty. Everything that follows in the Constitution is based on liberty. When we talk about the Bill of Rights, we should realize that they all emanate from liberty. Perhaps we needed a higher level amendment that describes liberty and its protections by government but Im sure that the founders felt that the preamble stating the importance of liberty was enough. Apparently not. Government violates individual liberty every day when it collects taxes for purposes other than those outlined in the Constitution, mainly the security of the individual and the nation. Hardly any other legislation in todays government is true to this concept of liberty and in most cases is a violation of individual liberty. cavemannews/WhatEverHappenedToOurLiberty.htm
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:45:13 +0000

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