******LIFE****** Episode 13 [[The FINAL Saga] I dont think - TopicsExpress


******LIFE****** Episode 13 [[The FINAL Saga] I dont think i can lend you any amount this time but i can help you in another way If i could remember very clearly, those words were uttered by my brother. Then i demanded for the other way and he told me to come to his house the next day. I was the first person to knock on his door the following day where he entertained me with some delicious meals. After few minutes, he urged me to follow him to a place and i agreed. When we got to T.junction, he stopped a motorcycle and we got in. After some miles away from T.junction, my brother notified the okada man to stop and we got off the bike. He then told me to follow him. Soon, we got to a roughly built hut where my brother knocked and an old short man attended to us. The old man welcomed us as we entered into his hut. Whats the problem? The oldman asked after few minutes of greetings. Then my brother walked up to the oldman and whispered some talks into his ears which i was unable to overhear. Hmmmm, you want to be rich? the oldman asked me as soon as the conversation between my brother and him ended. I anxiously responded with Yes, oldman i want to be very rich, i want to Then the oldman placed a dark thin pointer on my forehead as he recited some incantations. Hmmmm, what a life! he muttered after the incantations and i horrifyingly asked him what happened then my brother persuaded me to calm down. You are destined to be abundantly & extravagantly blessed, infact, you have chosen good fortune from heaven but.... the oldman squeaked and i shouted with a raised tone But what? The old man sighed and shrugged then said But you have to be very patient till when your time comes. Your time to be richly blessed is still very far Aaaahh! I shouted despondently. Baba please i want to be rich as fast as possible, ive suffered alot, no money to feed my son, we dont complete daily meals, please help me find a fast way of having wealth please baba, i furthered. Hmmm, if thats what you want, then lemme consult the oracle, the herbalist squeaked as he recited some incantations. Hmmmmmmmmm, the old man shrugged. Please baba whats the solution? i questioned curiously and the oldman said There is no any other way except if you will exchange fortunes with anybody related to you I was stunned after hearing those words and went silent for scanty minutes having some deep thoughts then finally turned to my brother and uttered Brother, can you...? My brother shrugged then responded I can endure till the time your wealth comes but under just a single condition I asked the condition and he said If i need anything from you anytime, you must not ignore, do you agree or... I agreed with the condition he gave me that day. Then the oldman uttered some incantations upon my brother and said to my brother as soon as he finished, You are destined to be abundantly & extravagantly rich just like your junior bro but this is your time, did you agree to switch fortune with your bro? My brother nodded in support and the oldman balanced the equation. Since then, ive been rich and was able to take care of my home. I made the greatest mistake by switching fortune with my brother, if i knew it would turn out like this, i wouldnt have, dad opened up as tears fell from his eyes. Oh Jesus Christ Of Nazareth, pastor said as soon as dad finished his confession. Dad you did all these? I yelled disappointedly. Can you now see that you are the cause of all these. If you have endured till when your time comes, all these wouldnt have happened. But the Almighty Lord shall forgive you and restore all your lost valuable properties in multiple as you confessed. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!! My dad and i said with a raised tone and the pastor prayed for us. FEW M0NTHS LATER I sat outside of the church getting some fresh air when a passing-by youngman stopped and requested my attention. Is this not Mr Emmanuel? the man questioned as i nodded. To my surprise, the man prostrated and began to thank me wholeheartedly.I was damn confused of what he was doing because i dont know the man and i asked him why he was thanking me then he said, If not for you sir, i wouldnt have been where i am today, i really thank you very much for your help. Ah ah, can you please remind me where i knew you because ive entirely forgotten some of my past due to deep thoughts, i squeaked confusingly and the man muttered excitedly, Sir i am Thomas, i came to your office several years ago and requested for your assistance when i wanted to enter university of Lagos in which you helped me with enough cash. Oh oh oh, Thomas! I can now remember, wow, you are now a bigboy, i said jokingly as he showed a cute smile on his face. To cut the story short, Thomas helped me after i narrated all the crisis to me and i started up something good. I thank God. The end. Did you learn from the story?
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:02:31 +0000

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