LIFE IS CRAZY PEOPLE!!!! Im living proof of if you never quit - TopicsExpress


LIFE IS CRAZY PEOPLE!!!! Im living proof of if you never quit going after your dreams, you can make it happen! Ive been poor, Ive had a fat bank account, Ive hit rock bottom more than once. But I kept trying, kept picking myself back up, sometimes by myself & sometimes w/ help of my true friends & family. I/we have dusted me off and got me back on track. Im not on easy street by any means, and mistakes are stil made, but I keep going. I can honestly say Im happier than Ive ever been thanks to my stubbornness & great, great, TRUE friends that werent around just for the good times, but stuck w/ me throughout the bad & my dumb times. And of course my AMAZING Mom Dottie Malkiewicz, I dont know how you do all you do, but I am grateful everyday for having you by my side. There is no way Id be where Im at in life w/o you. Even when Im being a punk, I ALWAYS know w/o you Id be a lost cause!!! Thank you all. I love you all, youre all family chosen or blood. Im not done yet, I still have goals and dreams that Ill continue to strive for and hope all of you are around for the adventures. Thank you all for being around. I am one of the luckiest men alive! Im insanely rich, not monetarily but with love, loyalty & respect. And to all Ive left behind me, thank you for teaching me a LOT of what I dont want to, be associated with, helping me overcome the hurdles of having you in my life!!!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:25:55 +0000

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