LIFE IS ENERGY SYMBOLISES HEALTH Do you know cell breaks down food - TopicsExpress


LIFE IS ENERGY SYMBOLISES HEALTH Do you know cell breaks down food especially glucose to negative hydrogen with carbon dioxide as byproduct. Cell then retains negative hydrogen for use and disposes off carbon dioxide. But this glucose-break-down process in the cell are factors dependent. NAD+, hexokinase and magnesium activated ATP definitely are factors needed with the cell must first be in a hydrated state, glucose then only can break down to become negative hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Not forgetting another factor, insulin is needed to transport glucose into cell. Due to above four basic uncompromised factors, we are always lack of negative hydrogen. The consequence is we are always tired, fatigue, hungry, put up weight, premature aging and low immune system. CELL NEEDS • Air • Water • Food Cell PRIMARY DUTY Through digestion carbohydrate is converted to glucose. Cell then breaks down glucose into negative hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This is the most basic proven record human body 100% need negative hydrogen. Negative hydrogen life force and without it we are definitely dead. Every day we need at least one-half pound of pure hydrogen for the production of ATP or else we will be acidic and dehydrated. Cell always encounters limitation to get negative hydrogen from food. First: Carbon dioxide is produced. Body has to breathe out carbon dioxide. Excess carbon dioxide react with water to form as carbonic acid that as a result dehydration occurs. Dehydrated cell is then oxidised, lack of energy to process food to become negative hydrogen. Therefore, because of carbonic acid which causes dehydration, pH buffer is required. There is only one solution to get less carbon dioxide in the body, eat less 30% carbohydrate. You can replace the 30% less carbohydrate with negative hydrogen supplement from Mega H. Negative hydrogen enhances oxygen uptake into cell which as a result pH buffer on carbonic acid as well. Negative hydrogen is the only active element can independently work inside cell biologically without have to depend on body system. For example, to break down glucose biologically, this biological process very much depending on physiological breathing system, insulin transport and hence cell respiration. Therefore, glucose itself cannot work independently to supply negative hydrogen to cell. To complement glucose metabolism, then negative hydrogen works independently enhancing cell to break down glucose. This is called SYNERGY EFFECT of negative hydrogen to enhance cell repiration to break down glucose. Hence, NORMAL TRUE weight control is ultimate WITHOUT SIDE EFFECT. Second: Enzymes are required to convert carbohydrate to glucose. Insulin is then required to transport glucose into cell. These two biological processes supported by physiological processes need time before cell can benefit from getting negative hydrogen. As a result, the rate to supply negative hydrogen always can’t match with the high demand of negative hydrogen. Once negative hydrogen is unavailable, cell undergoes oxidative stress which leads to premature aging, DNA mutates without repair and hence get cancer.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 04:26:37 +0000

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