LIFE! LIFE!! LIFE!!! The Way, The Truth and The LIFE! Let not - TopicsExpress


LIFE! LIFE!! LIFE!!! The Way, The Truth and The LIFE! Let not your heart be troubled;you believe in God,believe also in Me. In My Fathers house are many mansions;if it were not so,I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you,Ill come again, and receive you unto Myself;that where I am, there you may also be. AND WHERE I GO, YOU KNOW AND THE WAY YOU KNOW. Thomas said unto Him;Lord we know not where thou goest;and how can we know the way? Jesus said unto him; I AM THE WAY,THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE; no man comes unto the Father,but by Me. If you had known Me,you should have known My Father also.... Philip said unto Him;Lord,show us the Father....Jn14:1-11 Hmmm! After walking,living,wining and dining with Jesus for about good three years,therere still some who didnt know where theyre heading to and the way that leads to the place. Theres no doubt nowadays that therere some people who claim to be Christians and yet dont know where it ends;and the way that leads to the end(i.e,eternity),they dont know as well. Some have started claiming to be Christians for decades and yet,theyre far away from the LIFE. Having been with Jesus all through His ministry,Thomas and Philip didnt know where theyre going and the WAY,as well as the Father respectively. Hmmm! Jesus expressed His greatest disappointment in vs 9. As a member of one of the old churches in the country,I can vividly point to cases of Thomas and Philip around. Youve people who started as members of choir and rose to presidents,patrons,baba ijo(men-leaders in the church),iya ijo(women-leaders in the church),among others,and believe me, they have no knowledge of eternity,rapture as well as heaven and hell. Some have spent fifty years in the church and cant pin point to where theyll end their journey. These people are very nearer to the church,but far away from God(eternity/heaven). Christianity is not a religion;its a way of LIFE. And as a matter of fact,CHRISTIANITY is the LIFE(CHRIST-LIFE). This was what made the apostle to be called christian in Antioch-Acts11:26. They journey is never too late. Just as Thomas and Philip asked LIFE-saving questions, you too can ask such as: where will I spend my eternity? What can I do to be saved? See,an African proverb says:He that asks questions is a fool for five minutes;while he that doesnt ask questions is a fool forever. Thomas and Philip would rather be fools for a while than be fools till they eventually ended up in hell. Some find it so difficult to ask questions. Whatever theyre told in the name of religion,they swallow it hook,line and sinker. Look,the questions Thomas and Philip asked Jesus proved to be a turningpoint in their lives. Why not let this piece of write-up be a turningpoint in your LIFE as well? Have you known the WAY? Have confessed Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour? Do you know where youll end your journey? Do you even know where youre heading to? Have you known the SON,THE LIFE? Do you now know the Father? Why dont you come to Jesus,THE WAY,THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, you need in this wicked world. Youll never regret you did. JESUS LOVES YOU....
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:29:36 +0000

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