LIFESTYLE AND VIBRATION: I admit it. Ive become a bit of a - TopicsExpress


LIFESTYLE AND VIBRATION: I admit it. Ive become a bit of a vibrational snob. Im far more likely to be drawn to spending quality time with green-juice drinking hikers, swimmers or Yoga peeps (the ones who havent drunk the Yoga Kool-Aid) these days than booze drinking, smoking, drugging clubbers. Its truly not a judgment on the lifestyle itself. I get it. Ive had my times and my own youthful days as a cruising night owl vamptramp. Of wanting to feel free of societal restraints and escape the moment rather than fully inhabit it. But I just cant do it anymore. Thats not my definition of freedom anymore. Its a vibrational thing. When someone glows with health? You can feel their power emanating from them. When they are out partying or even working in a cubicle all the time? You can feel the confusion, scattered energies, chaos, split focus, frustration, resentment and exhaustion emanating from them. Our chosen habits and environments will either uplift us or weigh us down. The people you surround yourself with will either advance your life or stagnate it. People who are around nature, fresh air and sunshine will be easier to assimilate with. Because they ground and earth regularly. People who abuse or toxify their body temples will be harder to commune with. The quality of conversation wont be as meaningful or present. Again, if that stuff is where youre at and youre not ready or willing to let it go? Namaste, brutha. But theres a whole other you waiting to be stepped up to and claimed. In the sunlight. In your cells. Its the you that says: Were making health, vitality, wellbeing, intimacy, meaningful connections, conversations and interactions a fun priority now. And were trading self abuse for self care. It will improve the quality of your life rapidly and deeply. In the end, it really isnt about whether you drink kale or vodka or inhale weed or fresh air. But its about the agreements you make and keep or break with yourself to honor your body, your clarity and your light. Its about the ways your earthly habits reflect your levels of self love and respect. Its about the you you want to be and asking Spirit what it takes to birth and nurture him/her. Be gentle when breaking these habits and anchoring new healthier ones. Give yourself the time and space to do it. Otherwise shadowegofear stuff will only rebel and sabotage your efforts. But keep going and trust that its so, so, so? Worth it.~Courtney A. Walsh
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 12:19:35 +0000

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